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AL code upgrade issues to version 25.0.23364.24052

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Hi, I have the following issues in my code base that are preventing an upgrade to the next release. I am very new to this so any help or pointers would be fantastic. The items I have issue with are as follows:
Codeunit/_XXX Event (273,46) - Error AL0118: The name '"Time Sheet"' does not exist in the current context. 
PagExt/XXX (191,47) - Error AL0185: Page 'Flow Template Selector' is missing
PagExt/XXX (203,38) - Error AL0185: Page 'Flow Selector' is missing
I checked the change log here: Changelog | Visual Studio Marketplace but dont see anything useful as far as a newbie can see.
Many thanks,
  • Suggested answer
    Khushbu Rajvi. Profile Picture
    Khushbu Rajvi. 5,371 on at
    AL code upgrade issues to version 25.0.23364.24052
  • RP-28101715-0 Profile Picture
    RP-28101715-0 10 on at
    AL code upgrade issues to version 25.0.23364.24052
    Got access to the Yammer community - I followed this article and sent a mail with out ID the address porvided:
    I have checked the threads and not sure I am any wiser on what is need. 
    So MS have removed the Time Sheet page is what I get but is it replaced with something and if so what? 
  • RP-28101715-0 Profile Picture
    RP-28101715-0 10 on at
    AL code upgrade issues to version 25.0.23364.24052
    @Khushbu Rajvi. Thanks so much for you responses.
    I tired accessing the yammer community - I give it my email address but dont get a verification email. Very frustrating. Dont suppose the answer can be linked to from else where. 
    I will keep trying the community as it looks like a good source of info once I get access.
    Thanks again.
  • Suggested answer
    Khushbu Rajvi. Profile Picture
    Khushbu Rajvi. 5,371 on at
  • Suggested answer
    Khushbu Rajvi. Profile Picture
    Khushbu Rajvi. 5,371 on at
    AL code upgrade issues to version 25.0.23364.24052
    To resolve your upgrade issues: Verify that "Time Sheet" exists or add its dependency in app.json; replace missing pages (Flow Template Selector and Flow Selector) with alternatives or remove their references. Update your code to use Vendor Payment Buffer instead of the deprecated Payment Buffer. Ensure all dependencies in app.json are updated for compatibility, and test your changes in a sandbox before deployment. 
  • RP-28101715-0 Profile Picture
    RP-28101715-0 10 on at
    AL code upgrade issues to version 25.0.23364.24052
    Additional Info the line referenced in the first exception is - so question is what has "Time Sheet" been replaced with?:
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Page, Page::"Time Sheet", 'OnBeforeActionEvent', 'Submit', false, false)]
  • Suggested answer
    Ramiz Profile Picture
    Ramiz 368 on at
    AL code upgrade issues to version 25.0.23364.24052

    It looks like either you are missing some dependecies or the fields that were using before are no longer available in the version 25 like Time Sheet.

    Try downloading the symbols again with correct dependencies if any.

    The error related to Paymnet Buffer table is that this table has been removed and replaced by table Vendor Payment Buffer. Update your extension code to this new table.

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