I am unable to install D365 BC On-Prem as my PC restarts during the installation process, also on restart the installation wizard disappears without any proper error notification. When setup is again run with Repair option following error log is generated. Can anyone help me in resolving the issue.
=== Logging started: 2024/12/20 18:17:03 ===
Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\230\Setup\setup.exe v23.0.12831.0
Computer : ASIF-WORKPC
--- logging level: standard ---
RegistrySearch: Id = 'SqlServerInstalled', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'SqlServerInstalled', Key = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'DotNetFxRelease', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'DotNetFxRelease', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full', Value = '533320'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'PowerShell30Installed', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'PowerShell30Installed', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\PowerShellEngine', Value = '5.1.26100.1882'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'WindowsSearchInstalled', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'WindowsSearchInstalled', Key = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WSearch', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'VCPPSpLevel', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'VCPPSpLevel', Registry key not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\VC\Servicing\12.0'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'VCPPInstalled', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'VCPPInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\VC\Servicing\12.0', Exists = '0'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'VCPP64Installed', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'VCPP64Installed', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\VC\Servicing\12.0', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'VCPP201764Installed', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'VCPP201764Installed', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\VC\Servicing\14.0', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISInstalled', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'IISInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISWinAuthInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISWinAuthInstalled', Registry value not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = 'WindowsAuthentication'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISASPNETInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISASPNETInstalled', Registry value not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = 'ASPNET'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISASPNET45Installed', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISASPNET45Installed', Registry value not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = 'ASPNET45'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISNETFXInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISNETFXInstalled', Registry value not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = 'NetFxExtensibility'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISNETFX45Installed', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISNETFX45Installed', Registry value not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = 'NetFxExtensibility45'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISISAPEXInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISISAPEXInstalled', Registry value not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = 'ISAPIExtensions'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'HttpActivationInstalled', checking registry key existence.
Id = 'HttpActivationInstalled', Key = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WAS', Exists = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISISAPIFIInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISISAPIFIInstalled', Registry value not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = 'ISAPIFilter'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISREQSTFIInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISREQSTFIInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'IISSTATICInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'IISSTATICInstalled', Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components', Value = '1'
RegistrySearch: Id = 'WebComponentsPrerequisitesInstalled', searching for registry key value.
Id = 'WebComponentsPrerequisitesInstalled', Registry key not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\230\Web Components Prerequisites'
Configuring package. Id = 'ARP'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\ASIFCH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\setup.wix.msi.22.log
Done configuring package. Id = 'ARP' ReturnCode = 0
Configuring package. Id = 'WebClientDependency'
Path to executable = 'D:\D365BC\WebClientDependencyInstaller.exe', Arguments = '/install'
Done configuring package. Id = 'WebClientDependency' ReturnCode = 1001
Rolling back MSI package. Id = 'ARP'
MSI log file set to: C:\Users\ASIFCH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\setup.wix.msi.23.log
Done rolling back MSI package. ReturnCode = 0
ERROR: Package IIS prerequisites for Web Server Components failed with error. See detailed message above.
=== Logging stopped: 2024/12/20 18:17:09 ===