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Custom Api - Deep Insert

Posted on by 12
I am developing a custom apipage  which follows a header / lines pattern as such following the example I am able to create a PART page on the header api so I can make a deep insert. This works as expected.
Question: I want to verify on the validation code that the sum of the line quantities equal the totalquantity value in the header - how can i access the lineitems from the header record so i can verify that TotalQuantity equals the sum of the lines?  Is there a way to directy access the post jsonbody from the page triggers of the header?
Thanks so much!
No: 1,
Name: order 1,
TotalQuantity: 12
{LineNumber:1, Qty: 5},
{LineNumber:2, Qty: 7}
  • Suggested answer
    Nyakinyua Profile Picture
    Nyakinyua 17 on at
    Custom Api - Deep Insert
    This is the approach I'd take
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Database::<Table Name>, 'OnBeforeInsertEvent', '', <SkipOnMissingLicense>, <SkipOnMissingPermission>)]
        local procedure OnBeforeInsert(var Rec: Record "YourHeaderTable"; var xRec: Record "YourHeaderTable"; RunTrigger: Boolean)
            JsonObject: JsonObject;
            LineItemsArray: JsonArray;
            LineItem: JsonObject;
            TotalQuantity: Integer;
            SumQty: Integer;
            // Parse the JSON body from the API request
            JsonObject := JsonObject.Parse(Rec.RequestBody);
            // Extract TotalQuantity from the header
            TotalQuantity := JsonObject.GetValue('TotalQuantity');
            // Extract LineItems array
            LineItemsArray := JsonObject.GetArray('LineItems');
            SumQty := 0;
            // Loop through LineItems and sum quantities
            foreach LineItem in LineItemsArray do begin
                SumQty += LineItem.GetValue('Qty');
            // Validate that the sum of quantities matches the TotalQuantity
            if SumQty <> TotalQuantity then
                Error('The sum of line quantities (%1) must equal the TotalQuantity (%2).', SumQty, TotalQuantity);

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