RE: When Customer synchronize to Account in Dataverse, how primary key matches?
Please take a look at this document :
An integration table is a table in the Business Central database that represents an table, such as an account, in Dataverse. Integration tables include fields that correspond to columns in the Dataverse table. For example, the Account integration table connects to the Accounts table in Dataverse. There must be a integration table mapping for each table in CDS that you want to synchronize with data in Business Central.
When you create the connection between the apps, Business Central sets up some default mappings. You can change the table mappings if you want. For more information, see Standard Table Mapping for Synchronization. If you have changed the default mappings and want to revert your changes, on the Integration Table Mappings page, choose Use Default Synchronization Setup.
If you are using an on-premises version of Business Central, the integration table mappings are stored in table 5335 Integration Table Mappings, where you can view and edit the mappings. Complex mappings and synchronization rules are defined in codeunit 5341.
Mapping tables is only the first step. You must also map the fields on the tables. Integration field mappings link fields in Business Central tables with corresponding columns in Dataverse, and determine whether to synchronize data in each table. The standard table mapping that Business Central provides includes field mappings, but you can change those if you want. For more information, see Viewing Table Mappings.
If you are using an on-premises version of Business Central, integration field mappings are defined in table 5336 Integration Field Mapping.
You can manually map the fields, or you can automate the process by mapping multiple fields at the same time based on criteria for matching their values. For more information, see To couple multiple records based on field value matching.