RE: Report for shipping charges
To use the shipping log feature run Store Operations Manager, Database, Shipping Carriers, add a carrier, Properties, and define Services such as Ground or 2-day by price or weight charts. In POS press Shift-F1 to add shipping to a transaction and select the service required (ground, 2-day, etc.). This creates a pending shipment record. When the item is packed and ready to ship, run POS, press Ctrl-Shift-F8 and process the pending shipment record. This creates a shipping log for the Shipping Log report.
If you defined carrier services but haven't been using Ctrl-Shift-F8, there will be a list of pending records to process. If services were never defined, you have been adding a shipping charge to a transaction without a shipping record to process. In that case you'll need a modified report to show total shipping charges for the transactions.