I have one user that cannot edit or create dashboards
They get as far as chosing layout, and insert list opens a dialogue, "Add component".
But when they try to change the record type by using the drop down list, they get an error message, "The page can't be displayed".
I have checked they have identical access to other users in their team
I have tried removing all their access, refreshing and then adding it back
I have tried changing their access up to system administrator
They have tried Edge and Chrome
They have tried deleting all cookies and tried in private windows
None of those work
I have tried using Level Up for Dynamics to impersonate them on my computer - that allows me to build a new dashboard as them
I have tried building a new dashboard for them, as myself, and assigning it to them - they can see that OK - but they still can't edt
They can access all the relevant entities in views and forms as normal, everywhere except in the dashboard editor
We recently had a "Bytesize" training session across the organisation, showing all users how to edit dashboards and encouraging them to try. Nobody else has reported any issues
Has anyone got any suggestions?