Hey Steve,
I just recently took a serious look at the Word Templates myself and the whole process can get quite confusing and to be honest it drove me nuts until I ran through it multiple times.
-From what I could find any report modifications made in Report Writer will not be reflected on the Word templates
-Report Writer is required if you would like to add other fields to the Word template. For instance I needed to add the PO number to the Check Remittance Template. To do so I had to go into Report Writer create the appropriate table relationships, add the table to the report then actually add the field to the report itself. Following this process the PO number field was now available in my data source in the Word template.
Because this process drove me crazy I quickly walked through the process in GP and provided the below steps. Hopefully it helps a little.
1. If the Word template does not have all fields you require modify the report in Report Writer first and add all the fields you require to the report.
2. Grant yourself access to the modified report in GP.
3. Go to the "Report Template Maintenance" window (Reports > Template Maintenance)
4. Select (Click here to select a report) option
5. Select More reports
6. Select Product, Series and Status = MODIFIED
7. Select the “New” button in the upper left hand corner
8. In the “New Template” window select the “From Existing Template” radio button then select the Original template in the list and then select the Create button.
9. Now back in the “Report Template Maintenance” window highlight the template name you are working with from the list of templates and then select the “Modify” button on the menu bar.
10. Word will open with your template
11. Make your changes as required
12. Save your modified word template with a different name to a location you are familiar with otherwise it will get buried and you will not be able to find it.
13. Close Word
14. Note at this stage your changes have not kicked in as of yet in GP which is the confusing part and not very clear part.
15. Go back to GP and the “Report Template Maintenance” window
16. Select the green “+” sign
17. Navigate to the location where you saved your Word template and select the appropriate file
18. Following this step you should now see a new Word Template in your list of templates
19. Finally select your new template from your list, select the “Assign” button from the menu bar and then grant access to the appropriate company database and set it as the default report.