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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Using a Modified Report in Word Templates

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Posted on by 1,495

I've created a modified SOP Invoice form using Report Writer.  I granted myself access to the modified report.

I go to Report Template Maintenance and select my Modified report.  However, in the New Template window, I only see the Original Report available to select in the Templates box.  If I select the Original report and hit the New button, surely enough, I only have the standard report to work with and NOT my modified report.

How do I get my modified report to show in the New Template window | Templates box?  I've already chose the modified report in the Alternate Forms/ID and I've already created an xml file of my modified report.

If I try to print the report from the Sales Transaction Entry file to a word file, it comes out as an html file and if I try to convert to word, the file is completely unusable.

Any ideas?



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  • spena Profile Picture
    spena 1,495 on at
    RE: Using a Modified Report in Word Templates


    You really helped me out with Word Templates.  Thanks you so much!


  • spena Profile Picture
    spena 1,495 on at
    RE: Using a Modified Report in Word Templates

    Hi Heather,

    Yes, showing the table gridlines is very helpful.  The designer view is helpful too in the sense that I see the xxxxxx are not showing up when I drag my fields into the report.

    You're email came back as undeliverable.  Do you have another address?  My address is  I can send you the word and xml files I'm working with.



  • Verified answer
    Heather Roggeveen Profile Picture
    Heather Roggeveen 9,144 on at
    RE: Using a Modified Report in Word Templates


    I haven't worked much with the original layout so not sure if there are any specific reasons why it wouldn't work there.  I have had it in the modified version where the field wasn't in the correct place or part of the template correctly.  

    On the developer tab in Word, you can turn on Design mode (use sparingly - it can be difficult to see all the details as you will note).  The fields then get wide brackets around them that are either Orange or Blue.  They should all be the same colour (i.e. whichever colour is the one that is around fields that are printing).

    A couple of other points to note:

    - Ensure you are working in the tables that are in the report - you can turn on the gridline view so you can see where the tables are.

    - There are Bookmarks in the reports that you need to ensure do not get deleted.  This was some advice I got on a recent support case I logged (it was specific to statements but the info is still valid):

    Your Template was missing the StartTemplateDocumentBookmark .  If you do not have Bookmarks enabled I would highly suggest doing this as they can be easily removed without you knowing it (deleting a row etc).  To enable Bookmarks go to File | Options | Advanced | Scroll Down to Show Document Content | Check the box for Show bookmarks.  This will print as a gray capital i.  They will not print when you send them to a printer.  We use these Bookmarks to create the Page Number.  If one is missing then you will receive a Syntax Error!.  To add them back is pretty easy.  In the Word Document go to the location you would like the Bookmark click Insert | Bookmark and enter the Text of the Bookmark.  If you are not sure what the name of the Bookmark is you can create a brand new Template and go to the same path to see what the name is.

    If you want to send me what you have done, I would be happy to load it in my system and see if I can spot what is wrong.



  • spena Profile Picture
    spena 1,495 on at
    RE: Using a Modified Report in Word Templates

    Hi Heather,

    I stopped trying to get the modified form to work.  I'm just working with the original form now.  But of course, I'm stuck on another issue.

    All I'm trying to do is add the Sopnumber to the form.  Simple enough, right?  Of course not.  I drag the field on to the report and it doesn't even print.  Cool feature.

    I had the same issue with the document date earlier today but that somehow started printing all of the sudden.  Do you have any idea why fields wouldn't print?  This is just the stock report and the fields are available from the stock list.  



  • Heather Roggeveen Profile Picture
    Heather Roggeveen 9,144 on at
    RE: Using a Modified Report in Word Templates

    So my understanding of the back end (from the techos in my team) is that the Word template is actually stored in the database.  That is why it is important when you hit "Modify" to then save it in a location that you can access.  So steps for then updating a layout:

    1. Click Modify and Save As to a location

    2. Close the file on screen and open it from the new location

    3. Make changes and hit save

    4. Go back to Template Maintenance and find the correct report

    5. Click the green + button and navigate to your report from step 3

    6. Ensure it is allocated to the correct company

    If you are doing that, then you shouldn't have any issues.

    You should be able to delete what you have done by highlighting the report in Template Maintenance and hitting the Red X.

    Alternative is to unallocate it from the company.

    Just one other thought - when you say only the first one prints - you are meaning the first version of a single report right?  I.e. only one template listed under the Available Templates?

    If you have multiple listed, go into the Company Assignment window and click on Set Default - it could be that you have the old one set as default.

    This is there because you can have multiple report layouts for each option.  You can assign a specific layout to a specific customer.  When generating the report the system looks for a customer assignment and if none exists, it uses the default layout.

    Let me know how you get on.



  • spena Profile Picture
    spena 1,495 on at
    RE: Using a Modified Report in Word Templates

    Thanks Heather and Naga.  I can work my way through the templates now.

    My problem is I created a report on Friday, using the modified report writer report.  Now, only my first modified word document prints.  I tried deleting any pre-existing files and I've created new versions, but only the first modified version prints.  I can't get rid of it or create a new version.

    Any ideas on how I can just "start over" with word templates?

  • Suggested answer
    Naga Kiran Profile Picture
    Naga Kiran on at
    RE: Using a Modified Report in Word Templates

    Did you try the WordTemplateGenerator tool, which will help you in generating word template for any GP report. All you need to do is print the report with .xml extension and provide this file path as input to the tool. Below is the link,

    Hope it helps.

  • Heather Roggeveen Profile Picture
    Heather Roggeveen 9,144 on at
    RE: Using a Modified Report in Word Templates

    Hi Steve

    I just want to simplify this down a little further.  Let's assume you have a brand new GP install.  The general process for getting a modified Invoice layout in both Word and Report Writer.  Word relies on Report Writer for the location (i.e. which section of the report) of fields only.  Nothing comes across related to layout.  If you don't plan to use the Report Writer version of the report, then don't worry about the formatting of it too much.

    1. Modify the Report Writer version of the Report as needed.

    2. Set up the Word Version of the report as noted above based on the original template - take care to ensure you don't remove any sections on the report.

    3. Update your template for formatting.

    4. Add back into GP.

    Just also as an aside - we are a GP reseller and implementer.  I did not want to do this for every installation that we did, so we spent time getting the Invoice layout to a simple base version and we deploy this with each site and then modify from there.  You can also do this for the other versions of the reports (historical, credit memo).

    1. In Template Maintenance, set up the new report so you have the correct name.

    2. Take the existing modified, pretty report and save over the top of the newly created one.

    3. Add in the correct xml file.

    4. Update fields as needed.

    5. Add back into GP.

    I would also say definitely read all the blogs that are out there about working with Word templates.  They are not as easy as they first appear and there are lots of little traps.

    Developing for Dynamics (David Musgrave) has a number of really good posts that are useful.

    Good luck!



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Using a Modified Report in Word Templates

    Hey Steve,

    I just recently took a serious look at the Word Templates myself and the whole process can get quite confusing and to be honest it drove me nuts until I ran through it multiple times.

    -From what I could find any report modifications made in Report Writer will not be reflected on the Word templates

    -Report Writer is required if you would like to add other fields to the Word template.  For instance I needed to add the PO number to the Check Remittance Template.  To do so I had to go into Report Writer create the appropriate table relationships, add the table to the report then actually add the field to the report itself.  Following this process the PO number field was now available in my data source in the Word template.

    Because this process drove me crazy I quickly walked through the process in GP and provided the below steps.  Hopefully it helps a little.

    1.  If the Word template does not have all fields you require modify the report in Report Writer first and add all the fields you require to the report.

    2.  Grant yourself access to the modified report in GP.

    3.  Go to the "Report Template Maintenance" window (Reports > Template Maintenance)

    4.  Select (Click here to select a report) option

    5.  Select More reports

    6.  Select Product, Series and Status = MODIFIED

    7.  Select the “New” button in the upper left hand corner

    8.  In the “New Template” window select the “From Existing Template” radio button then select the Original template in the list and then select the Create button.

    9.  Now back in the “Report Template Maintenance” window highlight the template name you are working with from the list of templates and then select the “Modify” button on the menu bar.

    10.  Word will open with your template

    11.  Make your changes as required

    12.  Save your modified word template with a different name to a location you are familiar with otherwise it will get buried and you will not be able to find it.

    13.  Close Word

    14.  Note at this stage your changes have not kicked in as of yet in GP which is the confusing part and not very clear part.

    15.  Go back to GP and the “Report Template Maintenance” window

    16.  Select the green “+” sign

    17.  Navigate to the location where you saved your Word template and select the appropriate file

    18.  Following this step you should now see a new Word Template in your list of templates

    19.  Finally select your new template from your list, select the “Assign” button from the menu bar and then grant access to the appropriate company database and set it as the default report.

  • spena Profile Picture
    spena 1,495 on at
    RE: Using a Modified Report in Word Templates

    Hey Ian,

    I was able to make the changes to my modified report.  I'm even more stumped now.  I just want to start from scratch.

    I've deleted the previous templates and all reference to the templates.  I added another (new) template as I did before, but the version that prints is the same version I did this morning.

    I'm all out of ideas at this point.  How can I just "start over" and create a new report from scratch, based off my modified report writer report?



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