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Shipping Service Item wants to be fulfilled

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On a sales order line we add a service item SHIPPING to charge the customer to ship their products.  What our recieiving/shipping team is finding is when they create the warehouse shipment and pick/pack/ship the service items are not included.

Why are service items required to be fulfilled?  If it is a service there should be nothing to ship.  Is there a way to fix this in BC?  Should we be doing another approach for service related line items?


  • T Henry Profile Picture
    T Henry 74 on at
    RE: Shipping Service Item wants to be fulfilled

    What we ended up doing is creating an extension.

    When the inventory items on a sales order are shipped (from the warehouse document), the extension will post a shipment for the sales order if there are any non-inventory or item service lines.

    This automates the 2nd approach discussed by Josh.

    Thanks everyone.

  • T Henry Profile Picture
    T Henry 74 on at
    RE: Shipping Service Item wants to be fulfilled

    Hi MahGah,

    If we ship a sales order it means that all lines on the sales order are complete.  Any supporting lines (service, non-inventory, g/l) would be related to work done to support the inventory lines.

  • Suggested answer
    MahGah Profile Picture
    MahGah 15,433 on at
    RE: Shipping Service Item wants to be fulfilled


    Regarding your question about "When a sales order has a warehouse shipment and all the inventory items are posted (not sure if my terminology is correct) then post a shipment on the sales order.  Then all lines on the sales order would be shipped regardless of type.  Does this sound like a good approach?"  your approach makes sense. The only consideration is to make sure you have no exceptions (like your team add g/l or non-inventory for some other purposes) to SO.

  • MahGah Profile Picture
    MahGah 15,433 on at
    RE: Shipping Service Item wants to be fulfilled

    Thank you for your response. 

  • T Henry Profile Picture
    T Henry 74 on at
    RE: Shipping Service Item wants to be fulfilled

    Hi MahGah,

    When the warehouse shipment is created non-inventory items are not present on the document.

  • Suggested answer
    MahGah Profile Picture
    MahGah 15,433 on at
    RE: Shipping Service Item wants to be fulfilled


    Just the curiosity question. Have you tries "non-inventory" item (Same concept as service item but Item type is non-inventory)? 


  • T Henry Profile Picture
    T Henry 74 on at
    RE: Shipping Service Item wants to be fulfilled

    Shipping twice seems like it would be a additional steps for either the shipping resources who would have to look at each sales order to see if it needs to be shipped from the sales order as well, or for the finance team at time of billing to complete the sales order shipment.

    The G/L approach is ok but we do not think having our sales teams picking through our g/l numbers is a good idea, there is room for error and data entry speed issues.

    We are thinking about building an extension for this.  When a sales order has a warehouse shipment and all the inventory items are posted (not sure if my terminology is correct) then post a shipment on the sales order.  Then all lines on the sales order would be shipped regardless of type.  Does this sound like a good approach?

  • Suggested answer
    MahGah Profile Picture
    MahGah 15,433 on at
    RE: Shipping Service Item wants to be fulfilled

    To add to what Josh said I also saw some people create "non-inventory" item with zero dollar cost. Also, you may want to add G/L account for that line (some addon use this method) for shipping charge.

  • Suggested answer
    JAngle Profile Picture
    JAngle 46 on at
    RE: Shipping Service Item wants to be fulfilled

    Common scenario when using warehousing features. Couple of avenues.

    1. Create an inventory item. Mark it as zero value so it doesn’t cause inventory balance issues. Give it a very large amount of inventory in a fixed bin. This is the quickest low impact on process solution.

    2. Ship twice. Once from the warehouse shipment. Once from the sales order. Use the batch posting to help. This will address any none inventory lines. This applies to g/l account, service items or charge items. Invoice with the batch posting or use the combine shipments report. Means you can keep the same data and setups. Just have to follow different processing steps.

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