Hello everyone.
I have a task to create "AR rep responsible" field on the Customer Form, allowing user to assign AR representative to a specific customer.
I took "Employee Responsible" field in the CustTable table as an example and mimicked the relationship with HcmWorker table the same way (Foreign Key), which created HcmWorker field in CustTable table for me with RefRecId as extended data type.
I then added Reference group to CustTable form and connected to newly created field (HcmWorker) with Replacement Field Group set to Person, which produced the desired effect allowing employee selection on the form (I added it to Sales Demographics tab).
The issue I'm having is that I cannot see my newly created field in the Customer Pool Selection criteria and even though I followed Employee Responsible example something isn't working for me here.
When I try to look at Employee Responsible filed in the drop down I cannot find it as well as it referenced like this: Employee responsible (Record-ID)
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or didn't do enough would be greatly appreciated.
Please ask any questions if I couldn't explain the issue correctly.
Thank you,
If you look at the custCollectionsPool table there is field called querypacked where query is packed. See below line of code when you click the button select pool criteria, so you might have to update this field
queryRun = new SysQueryRun(new Query(custCollectionsPool.QueryPacked));
Hi Alex,
Customer pool criteria is stored in column in CustCollectionsPool Table.
Can you please mark the answers verified if issue is resolved?
Hi Vinit,
You are correct. The newly created Customer Pools will display my new field, which means D365 stores existing customer pools criteria and field references. I appreciate your help on this one somewhere.
After creating relationship, I was able to use Join in Customer Pool to link to HcmWorker using this relationship.
Then I was able to use filter by Worker. This work around works perfectly.
Crete Join -> Find relation
Create Join
Range selection
Thank you again.
Tried that but was missing datasrouce name and this is probably why it didn't work for me originally. Let me try your way.
Hi Alex,
I recreated the same thing which you did and it still doesnt show the newly created worker in the customer pool criteria. so I checked the code and added extension like below:
[ExtensionOf(tablestr(CustCollectionsPool))] final class CustCollectionsPool_Extension { public static Query defaultQuery(CustPoolType _type) { Query q = next defaultQuery(_type); QueryBuildDataSource custDs; custDs = q.dataSourceName(tableStr(CustTable)); custDs.addRange(fieldNum(CustTable, TestWorker)); return q; } }
Once this code is added, I created a new Customer pool and I can see the Test worker which I created. but I still cannot select the Test worker on old pools.
Though I am not sure why it doesn't show in list,Hope this help you resolve the issue.
You may also want to create a Bug with Microsoft support.
Yes Uday. I have the right model there.
I want to clear something out though guys. So the idea is to set Customer Pool select criteria (to point to AR Rep) so it could be passed to Aged Balance page where AR sees only his/her accounts.
When I go to Credit and collections - > Setup -> Customer Pools and then select specific Pool and want to modify Select pool criteria
I do not see my filed there.
Now, if I click on "Preview customer pool" button and taken to Aged Balance (CustCollectionsPoolsListPage) page and click on Advanced filter or sort button I see it in there.
Maybe CustCollectionsPool form has something special that needs to be added/completed?
Yes, of course.
Thank you.
Have you updated personnel core model as reference to your custom model.
Is your field set to Vibile: Yes in the table?
Hi Uday.
I followed your directions and I still don't see it there. Could it be something with configuration?
Thank you,
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