Been a long frustrating day with unit accounts and Management Reporter. I have added a unit account into GP. I have posted transactions to that account. Then I went to add the account to MR. At this point, I just wanted it to show up with a value. Originally I attempted to add it to an existing report. No data when I run it for that account. So I scaled back to a very simple give me YTD column and just 1 single row for my unit account. Again no data. I am pulling it for the correct time period. Can see the entries in GP and with Jet Reports.... I read somewhere that I had to have to see UNIT in the Book Code/Attribute Category either in the column layout or in the row, row modifier column. I don't. Should also see budgets there. Added a budget later in the day, could not see it either. Eventually got the budget to show by completely rebuilding the data mart. YUCK. Can someone please tell me how exactly to get this unit account to show on a very simple MR report? This was very easy in FRx. Very frustrated.
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