RE: Not all fields updated when stores sync with HQ
We're running 2.0.0155 as well at the moment, but I believe the last sold/last received issue has been present for longer. I think as far back as 2010 (before I was really comfortable using SQL) MS support gave me a statement to update the values in the item table using data from the itemdynamic table before running something to make a bunch of items that hadn't been sold in several years inactive.
I'm not sure about the Valuation report. We've never really utilized it, and looking at the raw text I see that it calls a procedure to build the view that it queries, and I'm not sure of how to get at the contents of the procedure to see what tables it fills from. If you want to check if it is related to the lastsold/lastreceived issue, I think you could (after backing up, no liability, yada yada) try running something like
UPDATE item SET item.lastsold = correct.lastsold FROM item JOIN (SELECT MAX(itemid) AS itemid, MAX(lastsold) AS lastsold FROM itemdynamic GROUP BY itemid) AS correct ON = correct.itemid WHERE item.lastsold < correct.lastsold
UPDATE item SET item.lastreceived = correct.lastreceived FROM item JOIN (SELECT MAX(itemid) AS itemid, MAX(lastreceived) AS lastreceived FROM itemdynamic GROUP BY itemid) AS correct ON = correct.itemid WHERE item.lastreceived < correct.lastreceived
on the Headquarters database to bring the values up to date, then try running the report again and see if it fixes the problem.