I cannot get the separator comma to work for the millions in the Column Definition Format/Currency Override. It works fine for the hundreds and thousands but the million digit is just part of the thousands. When I select the build in Format Override, there is no place to select the separator so that is no help (strangely, in the setting I have selected Display Digit Separators but it does not have any effect). I have copied the code I use in FRx which works perfectly (#,###,##0; (#,###,##0)) but when I use it in MR 2012, I get the red exclamation mark. I tried using ###,###,###0.;(###,###,###0.) or #,###,###0.;(###,###,###0.) which MR accepts but in both cases the million separator is not shown. I also tried the one that works in Excel but it did not work in MR. What is the right code to use?
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