I want to hide breadcrumb in portals. How this can be done.?
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I want to hide breadcrumb in portals. How this can be done.?
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There are more than one web template which contains the block for breadcrumbs... have you deleted the correct one which is associated with the page template of the page you want to remove it from?
If you have updated the web template and cleared the cache then it should work.
Please recheck.
it is the default one.
Can you share the web template code please? Is it the default one or you have created your own?
I tried clearing cache then too it is showing me.
Hi Riya,
It may be because of caching. Try clearing the server cache and see if it works.
Hope this helps.
I removed breadcrumb block from web template but I can still see the breadcrumb in my portals.
Hi Riya,
Seems you need to check the DOM from browser by pressing F12 how its generating . Here is an example of breadcrumb which is showing inside <ul> . So you can see below we can hide the <ul> by using class id simply write $('.breadcrumb').hide();
<ul class="breadcrumb">
{% for crumb in page.breadcrumbs %} <li><a href="{{ crumb.url | escape }}">{{ crumb.title | escape }}</a></li> {% endfor %} <li class="active">{{ page.title | escape }}</li> </ul>
Secondly you can go ahead with Aric's recommendation where you just need to find out where its basically adding and remove those tags.
Hope this helps.
Hi Riya,
If you are having access to web template code then you can go ahead with the solution provided by Aric.
For few web templates you do not have access to the liquid code for example- FullPage, then you can write following CSS under Custom CSS control of webpage (Localized Content):
.breadcrumb {
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You can also modify the Web Template that you are using. For example the Layout 1 Column Web Template includes the following code for the page heading:
<div class="page-heading">
<div class="container">
{% block breadcrumbs %}
{% include 'Breadcrumbs' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block title %}
{% include 'Page Header' %}
{% endblock %}
Remove the Breadcrumbs block or include from the web template.
Hope this helps.
Hi Riya,
you need to hide it from CSS like
#breadcrumbs {
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Best Regards,
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