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Issue when importing solution

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Hi everyone, I am posting this question for one of my team members who is facing issue when importing a solution. The error screenshot is attached below. Does anyone know what is causing this error or how to fix it? I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions. Thank you. 

  • RE: Issue when importing solution

    Hi a33ik Ekin  Thanks for you interest, also I was searching for that dependency but couldn't find it.

    My dev solution doesn't have that solution(msft_EnableRetenctionConfiguration). I am sharing SS of solutions in dev environment below if it can help you further to get the issue. 

    Is there any tool that I can use to check if my solution depends on another solution?

    One more thing that I think should be shared here is that I can install this solution to a new trial environment, in that trial environment we just need to have Sales application because our solution depends on Sales app (we are using Marketing List entity in our solution). 

  • Suggested answer
    Eiken Profile Picture
    Eiken on at
    RE: Issue when importing solution


    Please import this solution to your environment or delete the dependence.

    Please check the following link about missing components.

    Import of solution fails due to missing components - Dynamics 365 Sales | Microsoft Learn

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Issue when importing solution


    Based on the message your source environment contains "msft_RetentionEnabledConfigurations" solution components of which are referenced in the solution your colleague is trying to export/import. Destination environment doesn't have that solution installed.

    In order to solve the issue colleague will have to import the mentioned solution and import their solution again or remove the dependencies on the mentioned solution.

    Good luck.

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