I've read numerous articles about this issue, but never a full solution to what we are experiencing. Hopefully someone can help here! A word of caution - I am a network guy and know very little about Dynamics, but our Dynamics contractor doesn't have a solution either (and he is the only one with access to the actual Dynamics support).
4x Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Virtual Machines
- File/Print
- Domain Controller
- SQL Server
- RDS Server w/ 25 CALs
All users connect via RDP to a full desktop to access Dynamics GP 10.0 (Version 10.00.1779). When users connect, their local default printer is mapped on the remote desktop session, so that printing anything in Dynamics will cause it to use their local printer by default.
When users are disconnected from the RDP session (due to network problems, them
clicking the "x" instead of logging out, etc.) and then reconnected
before the session is completely logged off, Dynamics "loses" their
printer default. A reconnected session will still see all the printers, but the
default printer for the users printer is lost they are defaulted to Microsoft
XPS printer on the RDS server. Other applications (Word, Excel, Notepad, etc.)
do not exhibit this behavior and properly acquire the reconnected default
printer from the remote session.
What is exceptionally frustrating is that we migrated this client from a Server 2003 environment which did not appear to exhibit this behavior using traditional Terminal Services. I'm suspecting it has something to do with the way GP "reads" the printers (e.g. it does not appear to use the print services from Windows like other applications) combined with the newer RDS printer isolation in Server 2008.
Workarounds Attempted:
We've focused so far on trying to reduce the occurence of disconnects. We've
changed many RDS policies to make the sessions more stable and set an automatic
logoff time-out. However, forcing all disconnected sessions to instantly log
off is not currently feasible because users need to be able to resume work
after brief periods of connection loss. We also tried forcing users to manually
reconnect (so that would realize a disconnect had taken place and be aware that
their printers would be non-default again) but this has also been problematic.
I found this (potential) solution, but our Dynamics contractor does not
believe it applies to this case:
The problem I'm describing is exactly the same as the one described in this
blog post:
However, the solution he presents has to do with ensuring the RemoteApp sessions log off completely (instead of just disconnecting). That is really a workaround to the problem I'm trying to solve - how do make Dynamics GP 10.0 not "lose" the default printer during adisconnect.
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