Hi all
I have some periodic issues with the job queue in nav. In nav i have created a "ImportCustomer" table which gets data from a store procedure. To create customers in navision from this table there is a CreateCustomerFromImport CU. This Codeunit is inserted as a job queue entry and creates customers every minute. After some time there is not created anymore customers even though the job queue entry is ready and running and there are records in the ImportCustomer table.
If I run the codeunit directly outside the job queue it works (but strangely today it did not work with a different login?)
Any help is appreciated!
Customer.VALIDATE("No.",ImportCustomer."Customer No.");
Customer.VALIDATE("Address 2",ImportCustomer."Address 2");
Customer.VALIDATE("Post Code",ImportCustomer."Post Code");
Customer.VALIDATE("Country/Region Code",ImportCustomer."Country/Region Code");
Customer.VALIDATE("VAT Registration No.",ImportCustomer."VAT Registration No.");
Customer.VALIDATE("EAN No.",ImportCustomer."EAN No.");
Customer.VALIDATE("Phone No.",ImportCustomer."Phone No.");
Customer.VALIDATE("Language Code",ImportCustomer."Language Code");
Customer.VALIDATE("Currency Code",ImportCustomer."Currency Code");
Customer.VALIDATE("Gen. Bus. Posting Group",ImportCustomer."Gen. Bus. Posting Group");
Customer.VALIDATE("VAT Bus. Posting Group",ImportCustomer."VAT Bus. Posting Group");
Customer.VALIDATE("Customer Posting Group",ImportCustomer."Customer Posting Group");
Customer.VALIDATE("Payment Terms Code",ImportCustomer."Payment Terms Code");
Customer.VALIDATE("Reminder Terms Code",ImportCustomer."Reminder Terms Code");
Customer.VALIDATE("Responsibility Center",ImportCustomer."Responsibility Center");
ImportCustomer."Customer No." := Customer."No.";
ImportCustomer.Created := TRUE;
UNTIL ImportCustomer.NEXT = 0;
*This post is locked for comments
Thanks for the replies so far. I really appreciate the help
The issue is both in nav2015 and nav2016
I have erased the CHANGECOMPANY line. For the record it changed to the company which I was already in.
Today I have experienced the issue again several times. The job queue entry was running succesfully and still it was not importing the customer/sales orders until I ran the codeunit(s) manually.
Could it be related to how the job queue is run? (new job but same issue)
Another thing. Is it possible to debug the job queue entry? I mean can I have the debugger running and then debug when the job queue entry is running?
CHANGECOMPANY and VALIDATE don't go together very well, or only when
CHANGECOMPANY changes to the company you're already in.
Hi albor,
there is an old "bug" or "change in behaviour" that leads to the stopping of the job queue entry once it has hit an error (for whatever reason). This has been fixed in NAV2016 (now the job queue sleeps between the retries, as specified), but if the retries fail, it will stop after the retries until admin intervention. If that's not what you want, I would recommend to change the code in CU 451, HandleRequest():
LOCAL PROCEDURE Process@9(VAR JobQueueEntry@1000 : Record 472); VAR Success@1001 : Boolean; AttemptToRun@1002 : Boolean; NoOfAttempts@1003 : Integer; BEGIN COMMIT; AttemptToRun := TRUE; WHILE NOT Success AND AttemptToRun DO BEGIN IF (NoOfAttempts > 0) AND (JobQueueEntry."Rerun Delay (sec.)" > 0) THEN BEGIN JobQueueEntry.LOCKTABLE; JobQueueEntry.GET(JobQueueEntry.ID); JobQueueEntry.SetErrorMessage(GETLASTERRORTEXT); JobQueueEntry.MODIFY(TRUE); COMMIT; SLEEP(JobQueueEntry."Rerun Delay (sec.)" * 1000); END; Success := CODEUNIT.RUN(CODEUNIT::"Job Queue Start Codeunit",JobQueueEntry); IF NOT Success THEN BEGIN NoOfAttempts := NoOfAttempts + 1; AttemptToRun := NoOfAttempts < JobQueueEntry."Maximum No. of Attempts to Run"; END; END; JobQueueEntry.LOCKTABLE; IF JobQueueEntry.GET(JobQueueEntry.ID) THEN JobQueueEntry.TESTFIELD(Status,JobQueueEntry.Status::"In Process") ELSE ERROR(Text001); COMMIT; IF Success THEN JobQueueEntry.SetStatus(JobQueueEntry.Status::Finished) //PX001s px.jgl force the next execution despite errors even with retries ELSE begin
if JobQueueEntry."Force ready state after errors" then begin // new field
JobQueueEntry.SetErrorMessage(GETLASTERRORTEXT); // keep the last error text JobQueueEntry.SetStatus(JobQueueEntry.Status::Ready);
end else begin
end; end; //PX001e px.jgl COMMIT; END;
This should do the trick.
with best regards
locktable can be helpful, if it can be that an other process at the same time wants to write to the customer table. but i'm not sure, if that helps. it's a bit strange that it also does not work, if you start the codeunit directly using a different user account. could be a permission issue.
I will try to do that and reply back when I know if it had helped. Could it be that I should add a line such as
increase the time between 2 runs.then try again.
also remove line
makes that a difference.
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