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Customer Insights - Journeys forum

Add calendar invite to a marketing message

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I have set up a customer journey and emails for an event registration.

I would like to add a calendar invite to the email but can't see if this is possible.

I thought I might be able to add an ics file to dynamics but this is not supported. Any other ideas?

  • VGroenheijde Profile Picture
    VGroenheijde 10 on at
    RE: Add calendar invite to a marketing message

    I actually just found a workaround for this to use the "old" way of sending emails via crm.

    There you can add an attachment and after that you can use the email in a workflow that can be added within the customer journey.

  • CHK1970 Profile Picture
    CHK1970 560 on at
    RE: Add calendar invite to a marketing message


    As an end customer, this function has been lacking from within the Marketing Emails.
    My understanding is that Microsoft will add this feature and it's due to be added as part of the Wave 1 release in May 2021.

    Im holding out for this.. 

    Hopefully there are no further delays.

  • VGroenheijde Profile Picture
    VGroenheijde 10 on at
    RE: Add calendar invite to a marketing message

    Hi Clofy,

    I got stuck. I have added the .ics file to the portal webfiles, but after that I can't acces it via a link. My customer is still using the old portals so not the powerportals yet is that a problem?



  • Suggested answer
    megcda Profile Picture
    megcda 2,192 on at
    RE: Add calendar invite to a marketing message

    Hi Pippa,

    Thanks for the feedback.  This isn't possible today as Clofly mentions in his response but we do have an item in our backlog on this issue.  Our PM team uses the feedback in the Dynamics 365 for Marketing Ideas portal and there is an item there with this ask which needs community support to get it prioritized.  Please go and upvote the ICS request here.



    Please mark as Verified if this answers your question.

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Add calendar invite to a marketing message

    Hi Pippa,

    Currently adding attachment is not supported for marketing email, also for ics file.

    > You could upload the ics file to external storage space such as SharePoint or OneDrive and set it as public file.

    > Methods below couln't generate a direct downloadable link, however, if you would like to upload it as a note attachment in Portal's Web File entity, then you shall get a direct link for ics file, thus your recipents could download it directly instead of via SharePoint or OneDrive viewer window.

    A url would be below: (if the parent page of file is Home)


    I also found that the link to ics file won't be added to its parent page compared with other Web File such as bootstrap.min.css from my test,

    so the file won't be exposed in Portal page source code.

    Then add a link href to file URL for Text element in Marketing email.


    You should notice that it's just a link to a downloadable file, so your recipents won't see the obvious notification as an attachment like below:


    Instead please give the link with obvious appearance:


    In addition, marketing emails can be still synced as sales email with enabling Dynamics 365 App for Outlook to track them, then your could add attachment after receive contact's reply.



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