I used fetchXml to retrieve data from the entity and loop through the data set using JavaScript. However, when I loop through the data, I am getting an empty result (refer to the JAVASCRIPT code below).
Could you advise how i can get each data from the collection?
alert('{{porvinces[i].value}}'); //this line return empty
alert('{{porvinces[0].value}}'); // this line return the right value
{% fetchxml provinces%}
<fetch top="50" >
<entity name="stringmap" >
<attribute name="attributevalue" />
<attribute name="displayorder" />
<attribute name="objecttypecodename" />
<attribute name="attributename" />
<attribute name="value" />
<attribute name="objecttypecode" />
<attribute name="langid" />
<attribute name="stringmapid" />
<filter type="and" >
<condition attribute="attributename" operator="eq" value="provincesterritories" />
{% endfetchxml %}
{% assign porvinces = reasonEntries.results.entities %}
<script type="text/javascript">
$("document").ready(function() {
var entitySize="{{provinces.results.entities.size}}";
var i=0;
var entityObj;
for(i=0;i < entitySize;i++ )
alert('{{porvinces[0].value}}'); // i get the right value
alert('{{porvinces[i].value}}'); //this line return empty