RE: Why can't I see my modified form?
If its just modified standard GP windows (modified using Modifier) - then, when the databases are upgraded:
1. Verify that the paths in the Dynamics.set file point to the modified forms dictionaries.
2. Back up these dictionaries.
3. Launch GP Utilities and click next/ok until you get to the additional tasks window.
4. In here select 'Update modified forms and reports' and hit Process.
5. Drill back to the Dynamics.set file that contains the paths to the modified dictioanries.
6. Click Next
7. Select the products that you have modified dictionaries for.
8. Click the details button beside each product to make sure you are picking up the correct dictionary.
9. Click Update.
10. Check the report that will be created in your 'C:\ Program Files...\...GP\Data' folder.
If there are custom add ons developed in Dexterity (i.e. there is a custom dictionary in your set file). Then you will need to talk with the person who developed it.