Hi All
When creating new fields in BC we select ENUM as type since OPTION will be deprecated in the future. However, when I look at CRM sync tables in BC, they use OPTION. So the question is should we use Enum or Option when creating new fields that need to be synched to Dynamics Sales
For example, code from Lead CRM sync table field in standard BC:
field(10133; LeadSourceCode; Option)
ExternalName = 'leadsourcecode';
ExternalType = 'Picklist';
Description = 'Select the primary marketing source that prompted the lead to contact you.';
Caption = 'Lead Source';
InitValue = " ";
OptionMembers = " ",Advertisement,EmployeeReferral,ExternalReferral,Partner,PublicRelations,Seminar,TradeShow,Web,WordOfMouth,Other;
OptionOrdinalValues = -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10;