RE: Worker does not belong to particular Store but still showing on POS receipt.
Hello Sir ,
Please find below findings :
1. Make sure that you have mapped the correct field (Operator Name) against the cashier field in receipt design. Check the transaction in F&O and see what information shows in the operator ID field in RetailTransactionTable. There are also chances that the user was part of the store when the transaction happened and then the address book of the user/store was later updated.
Findings : Field is correctly Mapped against the cashier filed as this issue has happened for just one sales order (Invoiced) . Operation ID in RetailTransaction table is empty .I checked with the Store manager nobody is aware about how to update the address book and no one has updated the address book.
2. Check retail transactions or retail audit logs to confirm if the user has logged into the POS on that day.
Findings: Retail transactions says the worker had logged in for those particular transactions only
3. If the above two are ok, check if someone has edited the transaction. Either using Excel Addin in Store transactions or using SQL Management studio if it is a self-hosted CSU. The chance of this cause is rare. But believe me, I have seen this in the past :D.
How we can check if someone has edited the transaction? But yesterday I tried Editing the Operator ID at header Lever of Affected Sales Order but cashier name did not reflect in Store receipt.