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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Management Reporter Services

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Posted on by 580

Hi all,

I currently have a delicate situation with Management Reporter after an upgrade. We upgraded  a customer from GP2013 to 2018. The GP 2018 was moved to a new SQL instance. We also did the upgrade of Management Reporter to the new SQL instance. They are using the legacy system, so I upgraded the MR database and recreated the ERP integration in Management Reporter console. I was able to connect to MR Report Designer using my new SQL credentials.  Last Friday, we shutdown the old SQL server, because everything seemed running well. Today users were getting errors trying to log on Management Reporter. What I have noticed is that the 2 MR services (Application Service and Process Service) were still using a connection to the old SQL server. The ERP integration though, was connected to the new instance. I recreated the 2 services, now everything runs well. My issue is that last week the client made some validation in MR so see if all the data was correct after the upgrade. They validated data, before and after the upgrade. I would like to know if the data they have validated last week may be  wrong because the services were not pointing at the new SQL instance. I'm not sure if the Application Service and Process service were looking at the right database.

Thank you 

*This post is locked for comments

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,788 Moderator on at
    RE: Management Reporter Services

    Here is one of them.

    Here is another one.

  • sandipdjadhav Profile Picture
    sandipdjadhav 18,267 on at
    RE: Management Reporter Services

    Hello Richard,

    Most of the time I have exported from the old server and imported in new.  May I request you to send me the link of your old post, please?

    Thanks much


  • Fritz Camille Profile Picture
    Fritz Camille 580 on at
    RE: Management Reporter Services

    Hi JoshP,

    I had created the NEW legacy integration and also re-imported the companies. It asked me to overwrite the current credentials which I did at the time of the upgrade.


  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,788 Moderator on at
    RE: Management Reporter Services

    Sandip, if you have my other posts have you ever seen the issue I experienced? I exported the BB to a test server and then imported those BB to the production server. The MR upgrade was from MR 2.1  CU2 to MR 2012 CU16. The columns for reports were identical and displayed values for the default company only. I only got it to work by taking the BB from their old server and importing them directly onto their production server.

  • JoshP Profile Picture
    JoshP on at
    RE: Management Reporter Services

    Hello Fritz,

    You mentioned that the Legacy provider is being used. With the Legacy provider, each company that gets imported stores the full server and database connection details for that company to read the data from the Dynamics GP databases. The only time this company connection information is changed is after a NEW Legacy integration is created AND companies are re-imported to overwrite existing details. Just creating a new Legacy integration does not change any connection details of previously created companies. The Legacy integration has no bearing on the MR database connection piece, which is controlled by the MR services. The MR services will control the connection to the MR database which would include: (i) Previously generated reports available from the viewers; (ii) Report designs; (iii) Companies and their database connection details; etc. Since the MR services were connected to an old MR database which likely contained companies with old connection details, the customer may have been reading old data. The customer will need to decide if they are comfortable with the testing performed. If there is any doubt it was successful, the customer may want to revalidate at least a few of their most important reports once everything is pointed to the proper MR database and upgraded GP databases. I would recommend powering off any old servers/SQL instances to ensure there is no way data is being read from them during this testing.


  • Fritz Camille Profile Picture
    Fritz Camille 580 on at
    RE: Management Reporter Services

    Thank you for your answer.

    During the upgrade, I followed the documentation on MR server change. I exported the Report Layout, Rows, Columns, upgraded the DB and moved it to the new SQL instance. For safe measure, I had reimported the layout. Since the SQL server did not change, I did not recreate the MR Services when I did the upgrade. Since this was not my first upgrade, I was pretty comfortable with what I did.  

  • Suggested answer
    sandipdjadhav Profile Picture
    sandipdjadhav 18,267 on at
    RE: Management Reporter Services

    Hello Fritz,  

    Verification they have done in MR is probably cross checked their balance with Dynamics GP.

    Let me share my experience on upgrade. I do not move any MR dbs to new local instance and upgrade. I export MR Report layout, Rows, Columns etc and create new MR database into the new instance and import MR layout. It works all the time.

    You need to restart your old sql, export all layout--> shut down old sql server--> Install/create new MR with legacy or DataMart whichever is applicable and import MR layout.

    I hope this help. Let me know how it goes.

    Thanks much


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