Hi everyone,
I'm trying to integrate an eSHop with NAV2009. I have published a CodeUnit as a SOAP WS. NAV has windows authentication by the way.
If I connect to the URL fro ma browser outside the server, I must enter user/pasword. I enter the same ones I introduce into the rdp connection. I can get the WSDL from the browser without any problem.
For testing, I'm trying to create request with the SOAPui. If I create a new SOAP project, I introduce the WS url, and I get this:
Heer I have my frist problem. What should i introduce here?
Anyway, when I logged into with the browser, I've downloaded the WSDl, so I created a project with that WSDL.
In the request, I introduce same user and password I've introduced before in the browser:
And the response is this:
I'm quite lost, becasue I worked a lot with webServices and I never found this troubles. I am afraid that has something to see with the authentication...
Any hint?
Thank you all!!