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Can I add more quantity/another line to a fully invoiced PO?

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Here is the scenario:

  • A PO has been raised for 151 units.
  • Only 134 were delivered so these were receipted and invoiced.
  • We were informed the remaining 17 wouldn't be delivered so we set the "Deliver remainder" to zero, closing the PO
  • However, supplier then in fact delivered the missing 17 units, as well as another 4, so another 21 units in total.
  • I'd like to add the 21 units onto the PO (the 17 + 4), and then receipt it. Do I add another line to the PO? It won't let me edit the quantity of the original line.
  • Further info: the purchase agreement link has already been broken unfortunately.

My question is: even though the PO has been fully invoiced for the quantity received (134 units), can I increase the quantity on the PO?

D365 allowed me to add another line for the extra quantity, but it went wrong when I resubmitted workflow. Once workflow was finished, the following error message was returned in the workflow log:


Frankly, this isn't very clear. I recalled the workflow and am back to square one.

Basically, I don't want to have to raise another PO to receipt the extra quantity delivered, especially since we have been invoiced for the additional quantity under the original PO number.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • Suggested answer
    NavNab Profile Picture
    NavNab 4 on at
    RE: Can I add more quantity/another line to a fully invoiced PO?

    As already said by Kim : you're on the wrong forum

    Or maybe you have a customized app for your BC.

    If you're positive you use BC then continue reading.

    The standard BC allows you to increase the quantity.

    In your case, you have Quantity = Quantity Received = Quantity Invoiced =134

    You'll need to open the PO. Type 151 in column Quantity and then release the PO. The standard workflow will go smoothly if I'm not mistaken.

    After PO is released, Type 21 in the column Qty. to Receive and post reception. You can invoice the 21 unit later.

    If you still can't resolve the issue then contact your partner/developer because you probably have a customized app that prevents you from doing what you need to do.

  • Suggested answer
    Dallefeld Profile Picture
    Dallefeld 171 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Can I add more quantity/another line to a fully invoiced PO?

    Two things that you have said, make me believe this is not Business Central.

    1 - Purchase Agreement

    2 - Deliver Remainder

    I think you have the wrong Forum.

  • jwell22 Profile Picture
    jwell22 65 on at
    RE: Can I add more quantity/another line to a fully invoiced PO?

    Thanks for the response.

    Sorry if I wasn't clear, I will edit my original post with the below for further clarity:

    - A PO has been raised for 151 units.

    - Only 134 were delivered so these were receipted and invoiced.

    - We were informed the remaining 17 wouldn't be delivered so we set the "Deliver remainder" to zero, closing the PO.

    - However, supplier then in fact delivered the missing 17 units, as well as another 4, so another 21 units in total.

    - I'd like to add the 21 units onto the PO (the 17 + 4), and then receipt it. Do I add another line to the PO? It won't let me edit the quantity of the original line.

    - Further info: the purchase agreement link has already been broken unfortunately.

    As you said, I'm not trying to reduce the quantity.

    To reiterate: original PO was for 151 units > we received and invoiced 134 and assumed the PO complete > but we then received the missing 17 plus another 4 > I want to add this 21 quantity to PO and then invoice and receipt it.

  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 77,245 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Can I add more quantity/another line to a fully invoiced PO?

    Hi, It looks like you didn't post the Purchase invoice directly on the order, so the order remains in the system.

    It looks like you didn't post the Purchase invoice directly on the order, so the order remains in the system.
    If you still want to take advantage of the original order, I think you can cancel the invoice. In this way, the shipped quantity and invoiced quantity of your order will become 0, and you can re-edit the quantity and re-post.
    The downside is that the previous invoice will be canceled and a credit memo will be added to the system.


    Hope this helps.



  • Suggested answer
    Dallefeld Profile Picture
    Dallefeld 171 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Can I add more quantity/another line to a fully invoiced PO?

    Its a bit confusing, are you saying that you received and invoiced 151 quantity even though you only received 134?

    And the additional quantity line that you added was for 4 quantity? or 21?

    The error that you are getting is stating that you are trying to reduce the quantity. I don't believe you want to reduce the quantity. Based on what I understand...You do not want to receive 17 quantity on the PO because if you did you would have to invoice those 17 and you've already paid for them which means you already processed receiving them. Also, you don't want to invoice those 17 at zero otherwise there are cost implications.

    If the order has not been deleted, you could simply increase the quantity by 4, receive and invoice the additional 4.

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