I am writing a code using Dexterity and I make a database trigger to run my code when add/update records.
The requirements is to do actions when a change happened to the selected record or when adding a new record.
In the Sales Transaction Entry window, I couldn’t use Changed() Function as this function doesn’t recognize the changes happened in the sub windows (e.g. Sales Distribution Entry). I used the “Changed” field (Changed of window SOP_Entry of form SOP_Entry) which indicates if any change happened to the selected record in the main and all sub windows. So this worked perfect when add or update the “SOP_HDR_WORK” table.
In the Receivables Transaction Entry, there are fields called “Changed” (Changed of window RM_Sales_Entry of form RM_Sales_Entry) and “ChangedFlag” (ChangedFlag of window RM_Sales_Entry of form RM_Sales_Entry). These fields don’t reflected by the changes happened to the selected record and add/update the “RM_Sales_WORK” table, so I couldn’t use them and could not find a way to do the action when the record changed. Again in this window the Changed() Function doesn’t recognize the changes happened in the sub windows (e.g. Sales Transaction Distribution Entry).
Is there any way to recognize the changes if happened in the main and all sub windows for the “Receivables Transaction Entry” window?
Note: The script Handle_Changes (which run when closing the window) recognizes the changes if any happened in the main and all sub windows. I don’t now based on which flag this script works
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