We have CRM 2016( installed on premise. On the server, we keep on receiving below warning message
MSCRMTracing -
Invalid Trace Directory. Additional Info:[ Invalid Trace Directory (Reporting Process:Trace Diretory is Null. TraceSettings: {Filename: ,FileCountSuffix:1 ,TraceFileSize:10485760 ,TraceDirectory: ,TracingCallStack:No ,IsTracingOff:Yes ,LoadState:LoadSuccessfulUnreported ,RefreshTraceInt:-1 ,SiteWideRefreshTraceInt:-1 ,RegistryRefreshTraceInt:-1 ,Precedence:Default} ] , AppDomain:w3wp) Event ID: 17203. Log Name: Application. Type: 1.
Right now the tracing is disabled on server and TraceDirectory path is also existing on the server.
I have already applied fixes mentioned on https://spandcrm.com/2017/04/17/how-to-fix-invalid-trace-directory-errors/
This message has been logged by many users on Microsoft network, but didn't found solution for it. please check
Do anybody have any clue on why we keep on receiving the warning message in event viewer?
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