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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Event ID 17203 Invalid Trace Directory

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

We have CRM 2016( installed on premise. On the server, we keep on receiving below warning message

MSCRMTracing - 

Invalid Trace Directory. Additional Info:[ Invalid Trace Directory (Reporting Process:Trace Diretory is Null. TraceSettings: {Filename:  ,FileCountSuffix:1 ,TraceFileSize:10485760 ,TraceDirectory: ,TracingCallStack:No ,IsTracingOff:Yes ,LoadState:LoadSuccessfulUnreported ,RefreshTraceInt:-1 ,SiteWideRefreshTraceInt:-1 ,RegistryRefreshTraceInt:-1 ,Precedence:Default} ] , AppDomain:w3wp)

Event ID: 17203.
Log Name: Application.
Type: 1.

Right now the tracing is disabled on server and TraceDirectory path is also existing on the server.

I have already applied fixes mentioned on

This message has been logged by many users on Microsoft network, but didn't found solution for it. please check

Do anybody have any clue on why we keep on receiving the warning message in event viewer?

*This post is locked for comments

  • ALTOSHAAM Profile Picture
    ALTOSHAAM 180 on at
    RE: Event ID 17203 Invalid Trace Directory

    What I've found so far.

    If tracing is enabled (by registry key or by PS - makes no difference) - traces are correctly written to specified folder (default or custom) and no error is logged into event log.

    But, if tracing is switched off in both (registry and Config DB) - this error is logged.

    Definitely some bug in code which parses tracing settings.

    D365 on-premise,

  • ALTOSHAAM Profile Picture
    ALTOSHAAM 180 on at
    RE: Event ID 17203 Invalid Trace Directory

    The same thing for the latest On-Premise, Tracing settings are correctly set in Config DB. Haven't tried the registry way yet...

    But the fact that software product having over 10 years of history and released 9th major version, still have such annoying issues like trace settings load or encryption key renewals, that are reported during years, but with no fixes... That is really frustrating =(

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Event ID 17203 Invalid Trace Directory

    The same problem, but solved

    - Setting the trace settings using the powershell

    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell

    Get-CrmSetting TraceSettings

    $setting=Get-CrmSetting TraceSettings



    Set-CrmSetting $setting

    Get-CrmSetting TraceSettings

    can fix AppDomain:w3wp,CrmAsyncService etc

    but  can not fix Microsoft.Crm.Sandbox.WorkerProcess

    - Setting the trace settings using the Windows Registry

    TraceDirectory   D:\DCRM\Trace    REG_SZ

    TraceEnabled   0x00000000 (1) REG_DWORD

    can fix AppDomain:Microsoft.Crm.Sandbox.WorkerProcess

    it Effective for me,

    hope can help you

  • Suggested answer
    Kokulan Profile Picture
    Kokulan 18,052 on at
    RE: Event ID 17203 Invalid Trace Directory

    Could you the following tool to set directory and enable trace and see if that fixes your issue?


    Hope this helps

  • Boolean1 Profile Picture
    Boolean1 60 on at
    RE: Event ID 17203 Invalid Trace Directory

    I'm seeing the same thing, except as an error, on

    Tracing is disabled.

    Is this just a nuisance error?

  • RE: Event ID 17203 Invalid Trace Directory

    We are still facing the same issue with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement (9.0) On-Premise. Any updates or solutions?

    We tried all the following, but nothing work.

    - Setting the trace settings using the powershell 

    - Setting the trace settings using the Windows Registry 

    - Restarting the server

    Evern Log:

    Invalid Trace Directory. Additional Info:[ Invalid Trace Directory (Reporting Process:Trace Diretory is Null. TraceSettings: {Filename:  ,FileCountSuffix:1 ,TraceFileSize:10485760 ,TraceDirectory: ,TracingCallStack:No ,IsTracingOff:Yes ,LoadState:LoadSuccessfulUnreported ,RefreshTraceInt:-1 ,SiteWideRefreshTraceInt:-1 ,RegistryRefreshTraceInt:-1 ,Precedence:Default} ] , AppDomain:Microsoft.Crm.Sandbox.WorkerProcess)

  • Suggested answer
    indlad Profile Picture
    indlad 450 on at
    RE: Event ID 17203 Invalid Trace Directory


    Interesting observation is that the DIRECTORY was Mis-spelled (

    Invalid Trace Directory. Additional Info:[ Invalid Trace Directory (Reporting Process:Trace Diretory is Null. TraceSettings: {Filename: ,FileCountSuffix:1 ,TraceFileSize:10485760 ,TraceDirectory: ,TracingCallStack:No ,IsTracingOff:Yes ,LoadState:LoadSuccessfulUnreported ,RefreshTraceInt:-1 ,SiteWideRefreshTraceInt:-1 ,RegistryRefreshTraceInt:-1 ,Precedence:Default} ] , AppDomain:w3wp)

    So even if you set the Trace Directory using Powershell or in the Registry this event continue to appear in the Event logs i believe.

    Any thoughts?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Event ID 17203 Invalid Trace Directory

    I know this thread is a bit old but I am having the same problem.  I cannot get the PowerShell Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell to run on my desktop.  I have looked and looked and cannot seem to find the right module package to import.  Can you tell me where they are so I can download and run on a Windows 10 Desktop?



  • Suggested answer
    Johannes Leppert Profile Picture
    Johannes Leppert 70 on at
    RE: Event ID 17203 Invalid Trace Directory

    You can change the default trace directory of CRM via PowerShell:

    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell

    Get-CrmSetting TraceSettings

    $setting=Get-CrmSetting TraceSettings

    $setting.Directory="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\Trace"

    Set-CrmSetting $setting

    Get-CrmSetting TraceSettings

  • Karsten Wirl Profile Picture
    Karsten Wirl 4,477 on at
    RE: Event ID 17203 Invalid Trace Directory

    Okay, this article describes same Event Viewer error, but the reason for the problem was really strange...

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