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Parent Account - Calculated Field

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I have built a new entity that is related to the Account entity (Account 1:N Client Engagements).  On the Account entity we have a field for Parent Account where we list our channel partners that are responsible for supporting these end users.  I wanted to create a calculated field on the Client Engagements entity called Parent Account to pull over the Parent Account field but it isn't available when looking through the Account fields.  Any thoughts?



  • Suggested answer
    LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,874 on at
    RE: Parent Account - Calculated Field

    Hi jhendrickson,

    Situation 1.

    If the field of the Parent Account of Client Engagements 1) is only used to display data and is read-only, 2) it does not need to be a storage field and be edited, and 3) this field in not a column in a view or report, then I would recommend you to display the field through the quick view form.

    Please refer to this blog to know how to use the quick view form:

    Situation 2.

    If the Parent Account field needs to be used as a column in a view or report, then we must create a field to store its value, just as you originally thought.

    In this case, your solution is correct. We can create a calculated field for the Account entity to display the value of the Parent Account field, and then create a calculated field for the Client Engagements entity to display the calculated field value of the Account entity.

    Without coding, this is the best way to go.

  • Suggested answer
    jhendrickson Profile Picture
    jhendrickson 15 on at
    RE: Parent Account - Calculated Field

    I was able to figure this out.  Not sure this is the best way but created a calculated string field on the Account field to store the data from the Parent Account Lookup field.  Then on the custom entity, I was able to create a calculated field and pull the data from the calculated string field on the Account.  

  • jhendrickson Profile Picture
    jhendrickson 15 on at
    RE: Parent Account - Calculated Field

    Hi Hao,

    Yes, it is the OOB Parent Account field (lookup) on the Account page that I'm trying to pull onto this custom entity form. I did read through the Calculated fields considerations but still unsure if what I'm trying to do is possible or not.  I appreciate your help!



  • LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,874 on at
    RE: Parent Account - Calculated Field

    Hi Jeremy,

    Is the Parent Account field on the Account entity a lookup field? Like the OOTB Parent Account field.


    If not, please provide a screenshot of the field property of the Parent Account field on the Account entity.

    In addition, you can check the Calculated fields considerations.

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