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No Segment Tile in New Customer Journey Upgrade

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Hi everyone,

I've just tested new Customer Journey UI and figure out that there is no Segment tile in "Add tile" button. 


But when I try to Save older Customer Journey as a new Customer Journey template. The Segment tile can still visualize in new Customer Journey interface.


Can anyone help me out of this bug? 

  • Verified answer
    Aga M Profile Picture
    Aga M on at
    RE: No Segment Tile in New Customer Journey Upgrade

    Hi Duy Bao VN,

    Thank you for the question!

    Adding a segment inside a journey is not a supported scenario in Dynamics 365 for Marketing and never was.

    It was theoretically possible in the old designer, but we deliberately removed it from the new Journey canvas to remove the risk of creating such journeys.

    Can you please describe the journey / use case why you would need such a functionality? Maybe I could suggest you a workaround instead or we could add this into our product backlog as a future capability.

    Thank you,


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: No Segment Tile in New Customer Journey Upgrade

    Hi Duy,

    If you still would like to insert a segment tile into middle of the journey, another option is that you could switch customer designer to the old UI in advanced settings > feature switches:




  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: No Segment Tile in New Customer Journey Upgrade

    Hi Duy,

    I tested by importing an existing journey template: a segment tile had been inserted in the middle of the journey.


    As it is same to you, the segment tile can still visualize and pass error check, and it works as expected after going live: only contacts of the first segment received marketing email, and tasks were created for contacts of both segment 1 and 2.


    However, somehow the Segment tile is removed from the drop-down list, and it is not mentioned in the latest documentation of customer journey tiles reference:

    Not sure that whether the segment tile would be brought back to the drop-down list again in future update, currently you could use your existing template as workaround.

    If you would like to get clarification about it, please open a support ticket for further assistance, or report what you have found to GitHub page of the documentation.




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