Dear Mr.(s),
We are curerntly using the MSCC preview environment, with the sample data still present. It is also being used
As we were trying to modify some of the KPIs in the Admin Settings, it was observed that, even after a timestamp corresponding to the 3-hour refresh, these performance indicators were not updated in the standard "Supply & Demand Insights" reports. The values set in the admin settings were the ones below:
In the reports, i see distinct values, such as:
- on time in full: 50%
- Inventory turnover rate: 50
- Commitment shortage: 0%
- Supply coverage: 100%
Would there be a specific reason for this discrepancy, in linkage to the sample data? Or this is not an expected behavior? It would be useful for us to control the management of these KPIs, while maintaining the sample data in the environment.
Thank you,