Hey Team,
I have a EmployeeForm with fields like Firstname,LastName,Email and have another Form named "PositionForm" which has PositionId and other fields. Onsubmit button of EmployeeForm I'm submitting both "EmployeeForm " and ""PositionForm" and Onsuccess of "EmployeeForm" I want to submit other forms which I have as they pick PositionId value after submission of "positionForm". I'm using Set property on onsubmit button of EmployeeForm to fetch PositionId and placing this variable as a value of text input fields of other forms but my other forms are not getting submitted on the "OnSuccess" property. It doesnot map the PositionId value on the submit of PositionForm it gives an error as "Data source invalid" or "Cannot leave id field empty" or sometimes simply no error is there but the other forms are not submitted. Please let me know why is this happening or what can I do?
Formula on SubmitButton