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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

which form opens when adding child record

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Can someone please explain to me where it is determined which form to open when I press the + button to add a child record.

Here is my issue which is bizarre.  

In production things are working great and normal, however I want to do some modifications.

So I copy the production instance to a new instance and suddenly when I press the + button to add a child record, a different form pops up.

I have check all the settings, logged on as different users, recopied the instance (many times).

I cannot seem to find why this is happening.

And it is happening on both the quote and the sales order.

I am going mad trying to figure this out.


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  • gdas Profile Picture
    gdas 50,089 Moderator on at
    RE: which form opens when adding child record

    Could please provide few information.

    Screenshot of -

    1. list of forms available in the child entities .

    2.Entity information page of child entity.

    3. Screenshot of quick create forms.

    Apart from that please confirm which form are showing earlier ? You can check to go to form editor of each forms.

    which form you want to display it is quick create or any other forms?

  • RE: which form opens when adding child record

    but it is the form coming form the child record.

    The main form is the same on both, but then the subform changes.

    We are using psa, Still using the salesorder form but it is actually opening a different type of form.

    On friday this happened so I just recopied production and it went away.

    But this week it started happening again and I cannot get it back.

    There must be code to determine what kind of form to open?

    Where do I look?

    When I hit the + on a subgrid, what code is triggered to determine what form to open?

  • Suggested answer
    gdas Profile Picture
    gdas 50,089 Moderator on at
    RE: which form opens when adding child record


    Go to child entity information by going to settings -> customization -> customize the system-> expand entities -> find the entity select entity and unchecked quick create from entity information.

  • Suggested answer
    Mahadeo Matre Profile Picture
    Mahadeo Matre 17,021 on at
    RE: which form opens when adding child record

    Generally CRM opens, last used form. In case there are multiple forms for entity and you opened different form, then next time CRM will open same form.

    Can you please check which form is opened when you are not on production instance.


  • RE: which form opens when adding child record

    I have also tried disabling quick create without any change.

  • Suggested answer
    Mahadeo Matre Profile Picture
    Mahadeo Matre 17,021 on at
    RE: which form opens when adding child record


    If Quick create is enabled for entity, then when user creates child record from subgrid then Quick create form will be opened.

    You need to check, is entity is enabled for Quick create from customization section.


    Then under entities form look for QUick create forms.


    Hope this will help

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