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Incorrect Workflow Notification

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Hello Techies,
I hope you are doing great. Let me share a little about the problem that I am here for.

Our client is using the Workflow Approval process for the Purchase Invoice. In one incident, 3rd User has received approval notification, which is not available in approver id, Sales/Purchaser as well as in Substitute of Approval User Setup.

To find out the reason, I have gone through every entity which is related to the Workflow process but not able to find the reason.

  • Email in Approval User Setup is correct
  • Log entry in Change Log is not available

Is there any way to find out the reason behind this incident?

Thanks & Regards,

  • Suggested answer
    Vaishnavi J Profile Picture
    Vaishnavi J 3,056 on at
    RE: Incorrect Workflow Notification


    Add SJack user entry in approval user setup and then add email address in order to receive the approver email notification. Refer the below screenshot instead of Manager 1 replace it with SJack.


    Also why did you add the YFleming as SalesPerson/Purch Code in the Approval user setup when you have added a different PurchaserCode in Purchase Invoice.

    Added the Purchaser code in purchase invoice same as you added in the approval user setup salesperson purchaser code.

    If my answer was helpful to you, please verify it so that other users know it worked. Thank you very much.

  • D365 Dev Profile Picture
    D365 Dev 15 on at
    RE: Incorrect Workflow Notification

    Hello Vaishnavi, Thank you for quick response.

    I have gone throw the workflow of Purchase Invoice as suggested and Approver Chain is assigned to the Approver Limit Type as you can see in below image.


    Now, Let me share more information with the example.
    1. In the Approval User Setup we have two users one is YFleming which is in the user id and sales person code field and into the Approval ID field we have SJack.


    2. In to the Purchase Invoice we have created by (User ID) YFleming and into the Sales Person code we hvae HirenP.


    In above case HirenP have received an email instead of YFleming or SJack.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Suggested answer
    Vaishnavi J Profile Picture
    Vaishnavi J 3,056 on at
    RE: Incorrect Workflow Notification


    1. Can you check the Purchase Invoice workflow in add record restriction whether it is direct approver or approver chain. Refer the below screenshot.


    2. If a mail has been sent to the wrong approver then check the Job queue log entries and filter the field Object Id to run "1509" which is notification dispatcher job queue and check if the user id present in Job queue log entries has approver in approval user setup.


    3. Also you can check on sent notification entries page if the mail is sent to the incorrect approver from which user behalf.

    If my answer was helpful to you, please verify it so that other users know it worked. Thank you very much.

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