Hi Developers!
I am trying to create an extension for Retail Modern POS. But when I run it from Visual Studio 2017 I get the following error:
The second error is very long, so I'll write it here:
Failed to retrieve the POS extensions.json: error message = '["{\"number\":0,\"description\":\"\",\"stack\":\"CommerceError\\n at Error (ms-appx://microsoft.dynamics.retail.pos/Commerce.AsyncResult.js:33:21)\\n at ErrorConverter.toProxyErrors (ms-appx://microsoft.dynamics.retail.pos/Pos.Framework.js:1899:21)\\n at Anonymous function (ms-appx://microsoft.dynamics.retail.pos/Pos.Framework.js:1299:25)\",\"name\":\"CommerceError\",\"_canRetry\":false,\"_errorCode\":\"string_29000\",\"_externalLocalizedErrorMessage\":\"\",\"_handled\":false,\"_formatData\":[],\"_errorTitleResourceId\":\"\",\"_isUserError\":false,\"message\":\"\",\"ErrorCode\":\"string_29000\",\"ExternalLocalizedErrorMessage\":\"\",\"formatData\":[],\"errorTitleResourceId\":\"\",\"canRetry\":false,\"handled\":false,\"isUserError\":false,\"__proto__\":{}}"]'.
I want to know if anyone knows what it is due to.
I must clarify that I am not an expert in Retail, so when it comes to installing it, I may have made mistakes.
Please remove any commented lines in the extensions json file and make sure the json format is as expected
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
Most Valuable Professional