So on a sales order subform, if a user types unit price, my written onaftervalidate trigger runs and if the condition is met a PageType = NavigatePage;
Now on this page, if the person chooses to close this page by pressing X on the right corner which captions to Save & Close then I intend to change the value of unit price back to default and that is the Cost Price.
Here is the Page;
page 50140 Password { PageType = NavigatePage; ApplicationArea = All; UsageCategory = Administration; layout { area(Content) { field(Password; Password) { ApplicationArea = All; trigger OnValidate() var rec_Set: Record "Sales & Receivables Setup"; begin rec_Set.GET(); IF Password = rec_Set.Password then CurrPage.Close() else begin Error('Password Incorrect'); end; end; } } } var Password: Text[10]; }
Now the issue is just before the Error I intend to go to the Item table bring the Cost price and set it to the Sales Order Subform to update it so that once the NavigateDialog box closes, user gets to see the Cost Price. Now to find the Item and, of course, I do not have access to Rec.No on this NavigateDialog page so what is the best way to move Rec.No from the Sales Order Subform to my Password Dialog page.