In Business Central you have sometimes an imbalances in the reporting currency for a small amount such as 0.01 when the total in the foreign currency evens out perfectly. For this reason there is a function to avoid getting this error and record the pennies to a separate account.
The problem is that each line is multiplied by the exchange rate and the decimals lead to that some rounding takes place, which then gives us an imbalance of 0.02 in the reporting currency. To not manually correct the 0.02 in the reporting currency, I thought the maximum penny difference could help. However, I do not find this option in Business Central.
Is there a function that could cancel out such penny imbalances automatically?
No it is more about if you have a collective booking. Sometimes you have to add 0.01 in the reporting currency that it matches in the reporting and the foreign currency:
and I think to avoid to always to book these 0.01 you can use the maximum penny difference. The question is only where to activate it.
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