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How can approvers be directed to the approvers form from an email link?

Posted on by 190

I have a workflow to send an email to an approver, so he can approve the order.  But the problem is when I click on the link in the email, it still goes to the requestors form which is the main form.  I created an approvers form which is also a main form.  Now when the approver receives the email, how can he be directed to the approvers form?  Is this through a specific url link or is this done through security?  I have not touched on security yet.  My other concern is that, what if the approver can also be a requestor?  I can tackle the latter issue later, but I want to know how the email link can direct him to open the approver form.  Thanks.  

  • Suggested answer
    Amit Katariya007 Profile Picture
    Amit Katariya007 8,530 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: How can approvers be directed to the approvers form from an email link?

    Hello bp3378,


    You can make use the OOB feature Role Based Form Security which will make sure to show a Entity form to Specific user Role.

    Thank you,

    Amit katariya

  • Suggested answer
    Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,964 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: How can approvers be directed to the approvers form from an email link?


    You can look at the below article to restrict form access based on role.

  • bp3378 Profile Picture
    bp3378 190 on at
    RE: How can approvers be directed to the approvers form from an email link?

    Hey that worked.  I added that in the workflow email.  

    But how do you prevent the approver from navigating to different form view?  Because after the approver approves, there is another email sent to the card holder to approve and purchase status needs to change.  I want to stop approver from going to this form.  Is this done through security roles?  If so can you provide me with some good websites that i can read about or see.  I never dealt with security roles before in d365.  Thanks.

  • bp3378 Profile Picture
    bp3378 190 on at
    RE: How can approvers be directed to the approvers form from an email link?

    Do you think it’s better to use workflow or use power automate to send emails for approvals for this purpose?

  • bp3378 Profile Picture
    bp3378 190 on at
    RE: How can approvers be directed to the approvers form from an email link?

    But in the workflow for sending emails I just select the url for the record.  So do I add this form ID to the end of that?

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: How can approvers be directed to the approvers form from an email link?

    Hi bp3378,

    You could append "&formid=[your form id]" to the link and then open the specific form. As the following screenshot shows:


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