A number of accounts on our online CRM have contact emails associated with them but no primary contact defined. Is there an easy way to add a primary contact in this scenario to the existing accounts without having to manually define each one. (Note:- We are indifferent on which email against the account is defined as a primary contact)
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Run an advanced find to get all accounts with no primary contact and an email address, then run the workflow mentioned above on all of these records to assign the primary contact.
you could do an advanced find on contacts who parent account had no Primary contact
see my issue now. the contact I was running it against was incomplete - all works fine now. Thanks for your help.
Thanks for clarifying the advanced find step.
I am also struggling defining the correct on-demand workflow. Can you clarify - I think I'm selecteing the wrong fields - at the moment I have defined the entity within the process as a Contact, and added a step to update Company Name (Account) with the set properties form showing primary contact field box with dynamic value selected as:- (Company Name (Contact)).
I get the message
Contact with ID = ................ Does Not Exist
I think you need to do the advanced find using contacts because other wise I can't really think of a way you can assign (many) contacts to an account primary contact field.
Advanced find
look for Contacts
Select Company Name (Account) - this is not a contact field by a choice below the contact fields in related entities.
Primary contact Does not contain data
this is the fetchXML from the select
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">
<entity name="contact">
<attribute name="fullname"/>
<attribute name="telephone1"/>
<attribute name="contactid"/>
<order attribute="fullname" descending="false"/>
<link-entity name="account" from="accountid" to="parentcustomerid" alias="ag">
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="primarycontactid" operator="null"/>
Thanks for this - can you clarify what fields you use to define the advanced find that returns the contacts who have a parent account with no primary contact. I'm struggling to get any results returned having used the following and its unclear if I'm selecting the correct fields:-
look for Contacts:
Select Accounts (Primary Contact)
Select Accounts (Parent Account)
Primary Contact Does Not Contain Data
Maybe this links can be help you:
you could do an advanced find on contacts who parent account had no Primary contact
Then on these list you could create an ondemand workflow which would set the contact you run the workflow against as the primary contact.
You could create a custom workflow step which looked up the contact based on the email address and then assigned that contact as the primary contact on the account.
You could then run an advanced find to get all accounts with no primary contact and an email address, then run the workflow mentioned above on all of these records to assign the primary contact.
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