First we need our custom field (you already have it)
Then I need to Create a new workflow on contact entity
We need a Check Condition
Then create the condition (Note: IsElegible is the name of my field)
Then add a step for create a related record (Note)
select Create, in the dropdown menu Note and set the properties you need, in my case i just set the title to “This note was created by a custom WorkFlow”
Finally you can add one more step Stop Workflow Success (optional)
My WF looks like this
Save and activate
Now I’ll download a contact template and i’ll import my Excel in “Data import” in my D365 tenant
My Excel
So once I added I should have Homer, Bart and Lisa as contacts and Just Bart should have the note called “This note was created by a custom WorkFlow” as related record.
Bart has a note
Neither Homer nor Lisa have a note
So the Work Flow it’s really working on the create of the record contact and it is validating if the IsElegible is set to True. Or whatever conditions makes sense for me to create a note.
But wait what if I’d like in the future edit any contact record by myself, plugin, a service or whichever way and also I want to automatically trigger my WF and create a Note related?
So go back to our WF – deactivate first to be able to edit it
Select “Record field change” and we’ll selece IsElegible Field
Press Ok the save it and activate
Now I’m going to place IsElegible field on Contac Form (It can be change by other ways)
So if i change it to YES and save, my WF should trigger and My note should be seen
Hope it helps