RE: Changes in Price/Cost
I have this scenario item X has
Standard cost- 2.10
Current cost- 2.22
List price -2.10
Valuation method -average perpetual
Price method- markup + current cost
GL alc for sales and cost of good sold should be same meaning the cost price and selling price are exactly the same.
The similarity on the cost price and selling price goes well if receipt is done when the stock is zero but if receipt is done when stock is not 0 then issue price (selling price) on the issue just before the receipt changes and the subsequent stock movements will take the new price.
In my item X the item movement was cost of 2.10 in and out (selling price and unit cost) until a receipt was done while stock was 40 items, when an issue that has the same date as the receipt and appearing just above the receipt in my item stock enquiry the unit cost changed to 2.17 and the next movements had 2.17.But in a situation where stock of X is zero the receipt won’t affect the unit cost.
Now my questions are:-
1. Given my scenario, how was 2.17 computed?
2. When both receipts and sales are on the same date, how can I know which preceded the other as not RCT table has time stamp?
3. When RCT and sales are posted, does one them delay when updating such that a sale batch might update the stock before the receipt one?
4. How do I need to do to ensure no incidences of selling price and cost price differing?