We want to make an API page to get Location related information on Transfer Header so we have a Location Page called "APIV2 - Location" and we add the relation to ZeroOrOne on the TransferHeader page like this:
part(transferFromLocation; "APIV2 - Location") { Caption = 'Transfer From Location'; EntityName = 'location'; Multiplicity = ZeroOrOne; SubPageLink = Code = Field("Transfer-from Code"); } part(transferToLocation; "APIV2 - Location") { Caption = 'Transfer To Location'; EntityName = 'location'; Multiplicity = ZeroOrOne; SubPageLink = Code = Field("Transfer-to Code"); } part(inTransitLocation; "APIV2 - Location") { Caption = 'In Transit Location'; EntityName = 'location'; Multiplicity = ZeroOrOne; SubPageLink = Code = Field("In-Transit Code"); }
This code can be packaged but the metadata shows error 500:
{ "error": { "code": "BadRequest_InvalidArgument", "message": "An incompatible property definition already exists for transferHeader.location." } }
If we try to change the EntityName then the AL COP shows the error: