After installing the store operation, I have applied service pack 2 and service pack 3 respectively. And then update database form Store Operations Administrator. After this, my database version is 2.01.
Then I create store operation master database (Named: SOMaster) for headquarter. And from headquarter I have imported the SOMaster database through “Import Store Operation Data” successfully.
Then through Database Export Wizard in headquarter, I create the new data base (Named: 01) from the template databases and then finally export data due to centralized system. ( Before this I have created store from headquarter manager successfully ).
After configuring the headquarter server, I also configure the client, but the client not working due to the following error:
“The current HQ database version is 2.01. This version of headquarter client can only work with database version 2.00”
Solution Required?
Shahid Ghafoor
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