I want to retreive "Ordered in total" from On-hand inventory of item. On the form it is using display methods.
I was using orderedSum() method present in InventSum table but it turned out to be giving different value than on form.
The reason is when I go in its transactions and filter Receipt on "Ordered", it shows me records and upon calculating the "Qty", it is different than the one showing on the form.
Any way to get the exact value of "Ordered in total"?
There is a class InventOnHandQty it accepts inventory dimensions to lookup onhand and InventDimParm to say at what level you want to see it. So make sure that InventDimParm is correct because onhand on site level would be different to warehouse level. And it has orderedSum method as well.
Hi Ali,
Please make sure that you have the new grid control and total features enabled.
Once you have that, do a right mouse click and select 'total this column'.
That's all what you need.
Please see the screenprint below for an example.
Best regards,
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