Hi, I have several reports with an rdlc layout that I need to remove the "Report is being rendered" window:
How can it be done?
Hi, I have several reports with an rdlc layout that I need to remove the "Report is being rendered" window:
How can it be done?
Hi, I don't know if the scenario Daniele provided works, but as far as I know it can't be done. This seems to be the behavior of BC Platform, and I don't think it has anything to do with RDLC files.
the "Report is being rendered" window in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central appears while the report is being generated, and it cannot be removed by default. However, you can use a workaround to avoid the window from appearing when running your reports.
To remove the "Report is being rendered" window, you can follow these steps:
Open the report in Visual Studio or Report Builder.
In the "Report Data" pane, right-click on the "Parameters" node and select "Report Parameters".
In the "Report Parameters" dialog box, click on the "Add" button.
In the "Add Parameter" dialog box, enter the following details:
Name: HideReportProcessingWindow
Prompt: (leave this field blank)
Data type: Boolean
Allow null value: Unchecked
Default Value: True
Click on the "OK" button to create the new parameter.
Next, add a new expression to the "Hidden" property of the report processing window.
In the "Report Data" pane, click on the "Parameters" node to open the "Parameters" dialog box.
In the "Parameters" dialog box, select the "HideReportProcessingWindow" parameter and then click on the "fx" button next to the "Hidden" property.
In the "Expression" dialog box, enter the following expression:
=iif(Parameters!HideReportProcessingWindow.Value, True, False)
Click on the "OK" button to save the expression.
Save and publish the modified report to Business Central.
After completing these steps, the report processing window should no longer appear when running the report in Business Central. You can simply pass the "HideReportProcessingWindow" parameter with a value of "True" to hide the window.
no, the problem is not the rendering slowness, but the fact that that window removes the focus from a control (a text-box).
I also tried to save the report stream, but in any case the window appears.
Do you mean that the reports that have a RDLC layout are very slow in rendering?
Thank you.
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