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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce
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Manual release to warehouse from Outbound load planning workbench with unconfirmed sales orders

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We've had a recent issue where a user has released an unconfirmed sales order to the warehouse for picking which exceeded the customer credit limit, when they performed this operation an alert message appeared (below) stating the limit was exceed but the operation completed and we were able to pick and physically dispatch the product.
Is there any fixes that either make the release to warehouse operation fail, or is there a process (not including load planning filters) that can be implemented to remove this risk?
Thanks in advance
  • Suggested answer
    Siv Sagar Profile Picture
    Siv Sagar 3,719 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Manual release to warehouse from Outbound load planning workbench with unconfirmed sales orders
    This can be avoided once checkpoint are activated for the sales orders
    Below check points can be activated to avoid such scenarios.
    Siv Sagar
  • AB-15050939-0 Profile Picture
    AB-15050939-0 6 on at
    Manual release to warehouse from Outbound load planning workbench with unconfirmed sales orders
    Sorry this doesnt answer my question.
    The issue is that unconfirmed sales orders shouldn't be allowed to be released to the warehouse as the sales order hasn't went through a credit check (as this happens when a sales order is confirmed).
    In the instance described because of this a user was able to dispatch a sales order which put the customer over the credit limit and left the business exposed?
    My issue is that either unconfirmed sales orders just shouldnt be visable/able to be released to the warehouse or I'd expect the credit check at the release to warehouse stage block the operation instead of allowing.
    Many Thanks
  • Suggested answer
    Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    Manual release to warehouse from Outbound load planning workbench with unconfirmed sales orders
    You can check out this following documentation which mentions this error: Sales order <order number> Credit limit exceeded Open balance: <balance amount> Current order: <order amount> New balance: <balance amount> Credit limit: <limit amount> Credit excess: <excess amount>
    And it says that the type of message (error or warning) depends on the value of the Message when exceeding credit limit field on the Credit limits FastTab on the Credit tab of the Credit and collections parameters page. The message is shown because the Check credit limit on sales order option is set to Yes to specify that the credit limit should be checked on sales orders.
    These warning/error messages can't be suppressed, because they're the same messages that are used with free text invoices. They appear regardless of whether Credit management is enabled or disabled in Feature management. However, when Credit management is enabled, they can be ignored.
    Credit limit holds FAQ - Finance | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
    Best Regards,

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