Hello everyone,
When I open opportunity from connected opportunity from contact record it open connection with this opportunity instead of opportunity
directly. It started after transition to UCI, can I fix it somehow?
Best regards and wishes,
Hi Bohdan,
I am afraid that it is not achievable, because sub-grid can only navigate us to the source entity.
If you had found any answer helped, please kindly mark as verified to close the thread, it would be really appreciated.
Hello Clofly,
Sorry for long absence, thank you it worked. And one last question, can it be done like default (with connections as Stakeholders and view as Recent opportunities) but it would transfer us directly to the contact after click on stakeholder?
Hi Bohdan,
Actually Connection(stakeholder) is the third entity to make an opportunity to be able to associate many contacts, however, for an opportunity itself, it can only has a single parent contact.
Here are default relationships:
Opportunity <-> Connection 1:N (Stakeholders)
Contact <-> Connection 1:N
Contact<-> Opportunity 1:N (Recent opportunities)
According to your description, you may need to create a manual custom N:N relationship between Opportunity and Contact to meet the requirement.
Hello Clofly,
Thanks for detailed explanation it clarified some things but what I want to do is - If an opportunity has stakeholder then the
stakeholder should has the opportunity in his Recent opportunities sub-grid and if it's possible to transfer directly to this opportunity
on click, not to connection. And ideally but not necessary some behavior in Stakeholders.
Best regards,
Hi Bohdan,
Opportunity Stakeholders sub-grid is irrelevant to N:1 relationship of Opportunity and Contact.
Let me show another specific example to help you understand:(with default sub-grid settings)
1. There is an opportunity called "Printers", its contact and stakeholder are both Adrian Dumitrascu.
2. When viewing Adrian Dumitrascu profile, we can see the opportunity is available to his recent opportunities.
3. Back to the opportunity, we add Clofly Mao as its another stakeholder, then the opportunity has two contacts.
However, they are associated with connection, we can expand its related connections in associated view.
4. Open Clofly in form, we can see that Clofly has its own opportunity, while "Printers" is not available to the sub-grid.
Similarly, the associated "Printers" of Clofly can be found in associated connections view:
5. Opportunity "Dynamics Marketing app" is owned by Clofly,
while "Printers" is owned by Adrian Dumitrascu.
In other word, there is no direct relation between contact Clofly and opportunity "Printers", but "Printers" can still be associated with Clofly through connection.
Hi Clofly,
So as I understand Oportunity Stakeholders should have Connections in sub-grid and Contact Recent Oportunities should have
Related opportunity(contact) records from recent opportunities view. But if opportunity can't have many contacts then how can contact have many opportunities
through stakeholder? And it also doesn`t really solve problem with going to connection from Opportunity from.
Hi Bohdan,
It seems that you also customized stakeholder sub-grid of opportunity form before.
Please change the source entity to Connections(Connected From) instead, to restore its default setting.
An opportunity can only has single parent contact, so it will throw error if we add contact directly instead of connection.
Actually a sub-grid corresponds to a specific 1:N relationship and a specific look up field of child entity, make sure that you have chosen the correct relationship for Recent Opportunities sub-grid of Contact form.
E.g: You might created a custom lookup field to represent parent contact of opportunity, so in Opportunity form, please use the default Contact lookup field(logical name of the field: parentcontactid, relationship name: opportunity_parent_contact) to associate opportunity with contact.
Hi Clofly,
The settings looks the same but it doesn`t work.
And how they look.
Also i've noticed that if I add contact directly instead of connection the contact can`t be added as stakeholder to more than 1 opportunity.
Best regards,
Hi Bohdan,
Please check following settings:
1. Whether data source of the sub-grid is set to show only related records and the source entity is set to the correct.(There are two 1:N relationships between Contact and Opportunity, here it should be Opportunity(Contact)):
2. Whether the default Recent Opportunities view is also modified by yourself before, here is filter criteria of the view of my environment:
3. Whether the opportunities are actually associated with your contact:
Hello Clofly,
Yeah, you right but connection was added here on purpose few months ago because when I`ve been choosing related opportunity the sub grid was empty and it still doesn`t show related opportunities. Maybe I just didn`t noticed but I think it opened the opportunity record in legacy client. Is there any way to fix it?
Thank and best regards,
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