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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Bank Reconcile Diffrence

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Please provide  the procedure for Drill down/figure out  and rectify the bank reconciliation difference.(attached below  130.00 KD difference )

Somebody please help ..

Thanks in advance 


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  • Suggested answer
    soma Profile Picture
    soma 24,410 on at
    RE: Bank Reconcile Diffrence

    Better contact your GP partner. Because this is difficult to find out the difference for your Bank Reconcile statement without seeing your system.

    Hope this helps!!!

  • RE: Bank Reconcile Diffrence

    Dear soma,

    Yes.But both reports are matching .

    Thanks in advance

  • Heather Roggeveen Profile Picture
    Heather Roggeveen 9,144 on at
    RE: Bank Reconcile Diffrence

    OK - well that process suggested that you are looking for something that is -82.054 and it also suggests that something has in fact gone wrong at a table level.

    This sort of thing is really difficult to try and fix and I would never recommend my clients did it themselves unless they have a good understanding of SQL and what they are looking at.  If you work with a Dynamics GP partner, I would highly recommend calling them to have a look and resolve for you.  I can't give you a "fix" because it is going to be a case of finding the record.

    1. If you haven't already, restore a copy of the live company into test and do any further analysis there - if you are going to work at a table level, you need to do it in test first.  Assuming you know how to do this step.

    2. Delete the bank reconciliation as if you had never started it.  

    Try running the check links process on the Chequebook Master, CM Setup and CM Transactions - you never know - it might just fix it.

    Another clue as to what may be wrong here would be on the Chequebook Maintenance card - is the Current Chequebook Balance and the Cash Account Balance at this point the same?  I suspect it will be out by the above amount.

    3. Check table CM00002 - this should be empty - this table only holds the list of transactions that show in the bank reconciliation when you go into the screen like you screenshot above - it builds the transactions everytime.

    4. Go into the bank reconciliation so that the table populates - I would search here to ensure every record in the table is appearing correctly in the bank reconciliation screen - I suspect it will fine.

    From there, I think you are going to have to go table by table in the bank reconciliation series to try and find the erroneous transaction.

    The Resource Descriptions window in GP will help you with table ID's.  Microsoft Dynamics GP --> Tools --> Resource Descriptions

    Series Financial, View by Table Physical Name - you will be looking at the CM tables.  I would look mainly at the CM2xxxx ones.

    This blog post on undoing a bank reconciliation may also help:

    I am sorry I can't give you a full recipe to exactly fix this - this is the sort of error that consultants generally hate dealing with because it is really in most cases trying to find a needle in the haystack in the tables and you do just have to take it table by table and try and make logical decisions about where the issue might be.

    I hope this helps point you in the right direction.



  • soma Profile Picture
    soma 24,410 on at
    RE: Bank Reconcile Diffrence

    Have you tried above my suggestion?

  • RE: Bank Reconcile Diffrence

    Hello ms Heather Roggeveen,

    Thanks for you response .And please find below mentioned answers of your questions.

    1) NO. After adjustment entries the difference is 130 KD (First image attached in this forum)

    Before adjustment the Difference is -82.054 KD.(second image attached in this forum)

    2) NO .Difference (34814.481)-Last Reconciled Balance (34896.535)= -82.054

    3) Now The adjusted Book & bank balances are another amount. But Difference is still same as above (-82.054)

    Please advice

    Thanks in advance

  • RE: Bank Reconcile Diffrence

    Hello ms Heather Roggeveen,

    Thanks for you response .And please find below mentioned answers of your questions.

    1) NO. After adjustment entries the difference is 130 KD (First image attached in this forum)

    Before adjustment the Difference is -82.054 KD.(second image attached in this forum)

    2) NO .Difference (34814.481)-Last Reconciled Balance (34896.535)= -82.054

    3) Now The adjusted Book & bank balances are another amount. But Difference is still same as above (-82.054)

    Please advice.

    Thanks in advance

  • Suggested answer
    soma Profile Picture
    soma 24,410 on at
    RE: Bank Reconcile Diffrence

    If you have Customer source ID, then go to the below link and look into the steps.

    Hope this helps!!!

  • Suggested answer
    soma Profile Picture
    soma 24,410 on at
    RE: Bank Reconcile Diffrence

    Please have a look on the below link.

    Note: If above link is not helps you, then better contact your GP partner. Because this is difficult to find out the difference for your Bank Reconcile statement without seeing your system.

    Hope this helps!!!

  • Heather Roggeveen Profile Picture
    Heather Roggeveen 9,144 on at
    RE: Bank Reconcile Diffrence

    I think you need to go right back to the beginning to try and troubleshoot.  Generally this out of balance is completely related to not having a transaction in the bank rec screen or not correctly ticking off against the statement.  It has nothing to do with the GL balance in any way.

    Here are some questions that may help us:

    - Is this the first time you are doing a bank reconciliation?  If so, there may be some adjusting entries that need to happen.  If not, then move to the next question.

    - If you enter $0 as the bank statement ending balance on the reconcile bank statements window with any ending date (don't use a cut off date) and click on transactions do the balances compare with the chequebook maintenance window i.e. Adjusted Book Balance = Current Chequebook Balance and Difference = Last Reconciled Balance. If yes, then continue.

    - Now do one day only of the bank reconciliation - enter bank statement closing balance, closing date, leave cut off date open and click on transactions and mark off. Ensure to process any adjustments e.g. bank fees.

    - Let us know the results. This issue may be too complex to deal with via the forums and may need you to work with your Dynamics GP partner.

  • RE: Bank Reconcile Diffrence

    Dear soma ,

    I did it and no pending batches for that months. But .Still shows the same difference.Is there any other way to figure it out from SQL itself?

    Please advice.


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