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Item Tracking Error - "The Sales Line does not exist"

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Hi all,

We're trasking items with serial numbers and so far everything worked OK. However, in last few days one of our items has an error (tested on several sales invoices, and only this item is problematic).

When we try to edit item tracking lines, usually we get a full list of available Serial numbers to select from. Now, on this item, we get following error:


Document IFAP-21-000210 is an old document number (current document is IFAP-21-000279), and it doesn't exist anywhere. I understand that error is on first line of that document, but I can't access this document anywhere. What happened to it? If it was posted, then it would have an error during posting, right?

Any suggestions where to look at?

  • RE: Item Tracking Error - "The Sales Line does not exist"

    Awesome!  Glad that helped, and glad you can now post those invoices...  Have a nice rest of your week :)

    Bryan Tschosik

  • Suggested answer
    Zvonimir Profile Picture
    Zvonimir on at
    RE: Item Tracking Error - "The Sales Line does not exist"

    Amazing, thanks a lot Brian!

    Changing it to Surplus did the trick! I can post invoices with this item now without issues :)

  • Verified answer
    RE: Item Tracking Error - "The Sales Line does not exist"

    Hi Zvonimir,

    Sorry for delay here, have been swamped, and computer went down, so it's been a battle lately.

    I'm not sure what would generate that error message when trying to Import/Apply the package.   It would be super helpful to see what the Reservation Entry looks like.  What is the 'Reservation Status' of that?   Can you change it to "Surplus" and then Import and Apply Package?  Does that work?   It should allow you to import and apply that record.  I do not recall ever seeing the error you provided, so maybe it is the Reservation 'Status' field that is the issue.

    If that doesn't work, I'm not sure if you can attach the Excel you exported out via config package so I can take a look at the offending entry.  Thank you.

  • Zvonimir Profile Picture
    Zvonimir on at
    RE: Item Tracking Error - "The Sales Line does not exist"

    Hi Bryan and thanks a lot for all the detailed instructions! They really helped me to find the problematic entry, but unfortunately the problem remains.

    When applying the package, I get a warning:


    So, I guess it doesn't apply for previous entries. I've also tried posting sales invoice which contains this item, I get a warning that I must enter serial number. When I try to do that, it again warns me of that non-existing document IFAP-21-000210.

    Any additional ideas?

    Thanks again and best regards,


  • Suggested answer
    RE: Item Tracking Error - "The Sales Line does not exist"

    Hi Zvonimir,

    You could very well have a corrupt Reservation Entry (Table 337), maybe 'Reservation Type' = "Prospect". 
    Not sure how it got corrupt, but in this case, here's what I'd try to fix.

    BTW - Line No. 100000 would be the 10th line of the document (10000 would be first line)....and I believe 'Document Type' = 2 as indicated in the error is a Sales Invoice Document (you may already know that though.. 

    First, Check out what your Table 337 shows...not sure if you are in BC SaaS.. but if so, in the url, after the ? you can type in Table=337  (you may want to duplicate your tab so you have 2 browser tabs open).

    You'll probably see the values in the error in this table.  We need to wipe this away somehow... Here's what you can do.

    1. Go to Config Package and create a new one for Table 337.   Put on a Table filter for this Item so that when we export it out to Excel, we only get records for this item.
    2. Then Export to Excel.
    3. Open it in Excel and find the line the error has problem with.... and then Delete whatever is in the 'Serial No.' field.
    4. Save the Excel File and back in the Config Package, Import it back in and APPLY Package.
    5. Now go to the Item Card, and in the 'Planning' tab, and set 'Order Tracking Policy' from "None" to "Tracking Only".
    6. Go out of Item card and go back into it...and then change it back to "None".

    Now see if you can repro the error.  If not, that reservation entry was blown away when we toggled that setting...but we need to take out the SN first before that trick works.  Let me know how goes.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Item Tracking Error - "The Sales Line does not exist"

    Hello Zvonimir

    I would suggest, to create a support case when you can reproduce the scenario in a non modified CRONUS company, feel free to raise a support request via your partner or CSP.

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