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Lock existing records based on condition from a different Entity

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I have an entity called   "Exam" and within this entity I have a look up field called "Exam Number".  This look up field "Exam Number" Entity has  the following fields

  • Exam Number
  • Exam Start Date
  • Exam End Date 

Once the teacher enters "Exam End Date" on this Form (Entity); it should lock the entire "Exam" Form (Entity). There can be multiple existing Exam Records with same Exam Number. So this feature should lock multiple records when teacher enters Exam End Date.  

Can this be done without Java script? If not, please also help me out with the code. 

  • Suggested answer
    Henry J. Profile Picture
    Henry J. 5,237 on at
    RE: Lock existing records based on condition from a different Entity

    Hi Emanuel,

    Have you also explored using Calculated Fields and Business Rules?

    For example, an "Exam End Date" date calculated field on the "Exam" entity could be equal to the related "Exam Number"'s "Exam End Date".

    Then have Business Rules that locks the "Exam" fiels in case "Exam End Date" contains data.


  • Suggested answer
    RE: Lock existing records based on condition from a different Entity


    So in order to achieve what you want you can use either a plugin or a flow.

    In both scenarios the logic would be similar, you trigger your process on the update of the ExamNumber when the End Date is populated. Then you query all Exams that have the lookup field to the ExamNumber where the process triggered, and change the status of all these Exams to Inactive.

    You can use this flow as an example of the logic. Keep in mind that this flow is just a sample and does not currently work, but you can use it as a base to build your own.


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