Hi @all,
I try to import (update) a CRM managed solution from a Dev-Env to a Test-Env (both Env on Version 8.2)
When I try to import the solution a SQL-Server Error {1}{0} appears in the wizard and the solution can't be imported.
The Trace Log shows the following:
"at DBCommandExecutor.ExecuteQuery ...
Exception when executing query: SELECT [EntityRelationshipId] AS [entityrelationshipid] FROM [EntityRelationshipAsIfPublishedView] WHERE (EntityRelationshipId IN AND IsHierarchical = 1) Exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Falsche Syntax in der Nähe des AND-Schlüsselworts. "
When removing all the EntityRelationship-Tags from the solution.xml in the zip-file, the Error doesn't appear.
Is there anybody who knows this error / who ever experienced it?
Thank you in advance
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