Here I have a alertine table where if warning field is yes then I
Want my checkbox (which is in alert header table)ticked in Al code how can we do that?
Here I have a alertine table where if warning field is yes then I
Want my checkbox (which is in alert header table)ticked in Al code how can we do that?
Hi, Tabrez, here I have created assembly orders, and I have extended warning field in assembly line so when I add item the field is yes, then the field avail warning which I extended in assembly header should be ticked,
This is my code what wrong in this,
codeunit 50103 ExtAssembly
procedure MyProcedure()
AssemblyLines: Record "Assembly Line";
AssemblyHeader: Record "Assembly Header";
availableWarning: Boolean;
Enum_DocumentType: Enum "Assembly Document Type";
AssemblyHeader.SetRange("No.", AssemblyLines."Document No.");
AssemblyHeader.SetRange("Document Type", Enum_DocumentType::Order);
// availableWarning := AssemblyLines.FindFirst();
if AssemblyHeader.FindSet() then
AssemblyLines.SetRange("Avail. Warning", true);
if AssemblyLines."Avail. Warning" = true then begin
AssemblyHeader."Avail. Warning" := true;
until AssemblyLines.Next() = 0;
Can you please updates in this , as I am not getting my (assembly header) checkbox checked if the field is yes in assembly line. So,
You will have to do something like this:
If Alertline.findset(Treu,false) then repeat
If Alertline.warning = true then
Alertheader.setrange(No, Alertine.No)
Alertheader.ticked := yes;
until =0;
Hi Shankar,
Can you give more information about, Item having a field alert?
When using SetRange the any type of find is required if not using any find methods, then make sure to have check for Record.IsEmpty.
After you got the desired filtered record then you can modify your records, if there are more than one records in filter then you can use repeat....until to traverse each filtered record.
Provide more information about your tables and the fields on which you are trying to do something.
Looking at your code, you do a setrange, but don't you need a find after that to get the appropriate record to modify?
Here is my code:
If Alertline.warning = true then
Alertheader.setrange(No, Alertine.No)
Alertheader.ticked := yes;
When item has alert field yes then my alertheader checkbox is not ticked What can be done.? Here
You can define the flowfield in the header table and use calcformula property to find if the line field is true.
Hi Sankar,
Based on the question asked here is my sample AL code suggestion for you:
Don't forget to LIKE & VERIFY, if it helps anyway.
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